Chapter Eight

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I could literally taste it.

I could taste the sweet nectar of anticipation on my tongue, ready to bathe it in blood.

“We’re here.” Grimmy’s voice broke through the silence, his voice bouncing off the cars windows. Looking sideways I watched as he opened the door and climbed out, so gracefully.

My gut twisted.

Great, thanks for reacting their body, please could you not throw yourself at him; I’d rather shower in blood.

“We could shower together.” Grimmy smirked as he stood at the front of the bumper, watching me slither out with glinting eyes. Scoffing as I rolled my eyes I turned to my new favourite place.

The hospital.

“I get to kill them all?” I grinned my hand twitching to the back pocket of my jeans. “Seriously?” I asked, letting out a quick squeak as his hand covered mine, on my butt. I whipped the grin of my face and replaced it with a glare as I turned to face him effectively getting his hand. I raised an eyebrow at his smirk, “Touch it again and I’ll kill you with on you.” I growled.

“Your butt?” He question a slight chuckle following. I blushed, that was not what I meant.

“The tourniquet, idiot.”

“Of course, princess. Now come on,” He gripped my waist tightly, “I’ve got a surprise for you.” He smiled before pulling me towards the white doors, shining with expectation.

The stale air filtered with medicine and old people filled my nostrils as we stepped trough the doors. The reception was flooded with people, young and old, colourful and well the others were draped in hospital garments. I shivered; I’d been here enough times to know those things aren’t comfortable.

And are a little, well they let a draft in.

“Did you wear panties?” He chuckled as he quickly dodged the punch I threw at him. Idiot. He gave my shoulder a quick clasp before turning back around and walking straight past the waiting receptionist, the dent in in-between her eyebrows creasing even more you could open it like a book.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I ran after him, my shoes sending an ear-piercing shriek through the cluttered hallway. “Actually, who are we seeing?” I corrected myself. His response was just a grin.

We must have been walking for ten minutes, turning corner after corner, before he finally stopped in front of a grubby old door, the chipped square rectangle read janitor. Does he think we are in secondary school? I am not going to make out with him.

“Seriously, princess, if I wanted to do that, we would be doing it right now.” He leered as he leant over my shoulder opening the door with a defying click. His back pressing tightly against mine sent my heart into frenzy. A blush rose.

But it died down as soon as I heard a low moan inside the darkened cupboard.

“W-what was that?” I stuttered out as a quickly stepped into the blackness.

“Your surprise.” I could almost hear the smile in his voice, as my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. A shocked gasp brought my hand to my mouth trying to cover it up.

A figure was hunched in the corner, wrapped in a knot of ropes. There was a white cloth wrapped around his mouth to top him from talking. No wonder the only noise I could here was a groan. My eyes drifted from the grubby black shoes, over the ripped clothing of what once was a uniform to the cut’s slicing up his face.

I stopped at the hair.

Or lack of.

“Baldy?” I whispered, my eyes widening. The hair on my head whipping back and forth between his agonised face and Grimmy’s happy one. “Really?” I jumped, clapping my hands together, my eyes staying widened with happiness. Get your own back he had said. “Shut the door.” I ordered Grimmy as I fetched out the Tourniquet from my pocket.

Baldy’s eyes were almost rolling in disbelief as I stretched the weapon in my hands, the grin on my face widening at how frightened he was.

“Of you go.” Grimmy pushed my back forwards before slamming the door shut drowning us in darkness. I almost smacked my head on the wall as a felt a grip on my backside quickly slide to one on my neck before a light peck was placed there.

I shivered. Stop putting me off. He snickered.

We were suddenly stunned with light as I flicked the switch on, my hand tightening on the weapon.

Slowly moving forward a tilted my head as Baldy tried hiding back into the wall, I snorted, like that was going to work. Bending down I gripped at his leg sliding him towards me. He tried kicking out his feet brushing past me ear.

Close one.

Suddenly he was pinned back, a muscled hand ramming him by his throat right up against the wall, the clattering of brooms falling to the floor from the sudden movement was the only sound apart from our heavy breathing.

“Don’t try anything.” Grimmy seethed, his jaw clicking as it turned into one of the most terrifying things I had ever seen. His body almost solidified; damn if I was a guy some part of my body would be solid right now. “Princess, please keep those thoughts to yourself and let’s just get on with before we finally make out.”

Smacking the back of his head quickly with a light scoff I tilted my head up to Baldy’s.

“Payback.” I whispered before wrapping the torture device around his leg, tightening it until he shriek his eyes widening in pain. I could feel the blood pounding in my head, the rush of eagerness flowing through my veins.

I love this.

Baldy’s body began to stop struggling as I pulled the tourniquet harder, completely cutting of his blood supply. How do you like it happening to you? Prick. He was almost choking out through the cloth gag, his body flailing against Grimmy and I.

“Tie it.” Grimmy commanded, my hands obeying immediately. Standing up after I finished it I looked down at me work. Perfect. “You are.” Grimmy laughed. Cheesy idiot. He smirked as he turned me around pulling me back out into the hallway.

“Wait, what about Baldy?” I asked, quickly looking back at him, his body lying limply on the floor. He was dying; I was killing him without my hands actually on his body. I shivered with joy, the smile grinning on my face as a switched the light back off slamming the door behind Grimmy.

“He’ll be gone soon.” He smiled down at me, watching as I almost took off to the moon with joy.

“So are we done now?” I asked, my feet bouncing on the floor, my body buzzing with the feeling of the kill.

“Not yet, we have one more stop.”

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