Chapter twenty

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POV of molly
Hours, days, and now weeks went by and no sign of the children my heart was full of worries. I felt like I fail as a guardian and maybe it was my fault they ran away. Every night I had terrible dreams seeing them been following by lions, and all sort of wild animals in the forest. Meanwhile Tony prepared on an intervention mission in the forest to go and safe them. We just had to hope that nothing bad happened to them.
POV of Tony
It was already making weeks since they children disappeared. I decided to organize a mission to the forest to rescue them. Emily had again the courage to come to my house but this time around I let her to enter and hear what she wanted, she apologized for abandoning us in the past and was ready to do everything to be forgiven. I told her with sincerity that out marriage can't be fixed but she can still try and fix things with Felix if we even see him again.
In the forest.........
We were approaching the evil forest knowing well it was the last step to reach the book of life but knowing also that it was the most dangerous place in that forest.
With our hearts pounding in our chests and our steps growing cautious, we pressed forward into the depths of the evil forest. The air grew thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl. The dense canopy above blocked out most of the sunlight, casting long shadows that danced ominously on the forest floor.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, a sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air. Each step felt like a gamble, as though any moment we could stumble upon a hidden danger. The twisted trees seemed to whisper ancient secrets, their gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, ready to snatch us away.

Morgan, Félix, and Jason exchanged worried glances but remained steadfast in their determination. We had come too far to turn back now. The book of life held the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe, and we were willing to risk everything to obtain it. The knowledge it possessed could bring our love ones back to life.

Suddenly, a chilling breeze swept through the forest, causing the hairs on the back of our necks to stand on end. The ground beneath our feet trembled slightly, as if warning us of the imminent danger that lay ahead. We knew we had to proceed with utmost caution.

Morgan, the group's natural leader, took a deep breath and spoke with a firm voice, "Stay focused, everyone. We need to be prepared for any challenges that come our way. Keep your senses sharp, and watch out for any signs of danger."

Félix nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any hint of trouble. "We have a responsibility to uncover the secrets of the book," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We cannot let fear deter us. We must push forward."

Jason, though visibly nervous, found solace in the unity of the group. "We've come so far together," he said, his voice quivering slightly. "We'll face whatever comes our way, and we'll face it together."

With renewed determination, we continued our journey through the treacherous forest. Each step became more deliberate, each decision made with caution. The path ahead was treacherous, but our resolve was unyielding.

As we pressed on, the forest seemed to grow darker and more sinister. Strange sounds echoed through the trees, sending shivers down our spines. But we held onto the belief that the book of life awaited us at the end of this perilous journey, and that belief fueled our determination.

Hours turned into days as we navigated through the labyrinthine paths of the evil forest. We encountered hidden traps, poisonous plants, and menacing creatures, but we faced each challenge head-on, relying on our wits and the bond we had formed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we reached the heart of the evil forest. A clearing appeared before us, bathed in an ethereal glow. In its center stood a towering tree, seemingly untouched by the darkness that surrounded it. It was as if the tree itself held the secret to our ultimate goal.

Recognizing the opportunity, we quickly set to work, using the resources at hand to build a makeshift shelter beneath the tree. We knew we needed rest and sustenance before we could continue our journey.

Félix, ever resourceful, ventured into the surrounding area to forage for edible plants, while Morgan and Jason gathered water from a nearby stream. Together, we managed to secure the basic necessities to sustain us through the night.

Gathered around a small fire, we shared a meager meal and reflected on the challenges we had overcome. The fire crackled and danced, casting a warm glow on our tired faces. In that moment, we found comfort in each other's company, drawing strength from our shared purpose and camaraderie.

As exhaustion finally caught up with us, we huddled closer to the fire, seeking comfort and protection. The sounds of the forest lulled us into a peaceful slumber, as we found solace in each other's presence and the warmth of the fire.

Tomorrow would bring new challenges and uncertainties, but for now, we allowed ourselves to rest, knowing that we had come this far and were prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

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