chapter 1 the undead mage Part 1 the rise of the late bloomer

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As a child Izuku always wanted to be a hero but currently found himself among the quirkless population and was bullied for it by bakugo. all the way from kindergarten where Izuku failed to develop a quirk. to the present day in aldera high school. Izuku bitterly remembered what the quirk doctor said about him being quirkless do to not missing a joint in his pinky toe (it's just not fair. I wanted to be a hero just like all might). from this Izuku learned not all men are created equal and decided to learn about atoms and the human body as potential backup plans. if he would stay quirkless for the rest of his life he needed another way to help people and kept in mind that doctors can be considered hero's of hero's while at the same time remembering that physics is a subject that will always have some amount of importance in the world.

But unknown to Izuku he would soon develop a quirk with more potential than the world was ready for. even if it seemed to have less potential than it actually has. But this would happen a few days before the school was going to announce where people would graduate from high school to. And while inko didn't think that Izuku could be a hero without a quirk. he understood where his mom was coming from Because while it wasn't what he needed to hear. there was currently no known way for people to gain powers that weren't quirks.

But eventually the day arrived where izuku's quirk would activate. Luckily it was while he was home so nobody got hurt as when it activated bones appeared out of nowhere in his room. and out of a surprised reflex he accidentally teleported out of his room and into the kitchen startling inko who was about to get started on cooking breakfast. Izuku explained what happened and inko drove to a different quirk doctor. (if the previous quirk doctor said Izuku would be quirkless and he now had a quirk. then the previous quirk doctor was mostlikely not doing his job correctly. There's even a chance they could be working with a villain). this time the quirk doctor was recovery girl. After taking some of izuku's DNA and analyzing it she found out Izuku midoriya did in fact have a quirk but it was one she might not have expected.

Recovery girl "it seems midoriya does have a quirk. It seems he can teleport. Summon bones and what look to be dragon skulls that shoot powerful beams of energy. He also has telekinesis with odd properties. He's also more powerful against those who have done evil acts, though I think you might want to know that because his quirk is based on a skeleton he doesn't require anything more than his bones not being destroyed for him to still be alive".

inko "do you hear that Izuku. You actually do have a quirk". Izuku with a smile on his face and a few tears of joy in his eyes decided to ask something "could you please explain it in more detail". recovery girl "sure. At the moment you are capable of teleporting across the entire land mass of Japan. The bones you summon are created by your quirk and they are stronger and more durable than the human bones they resemble. The dragon skulls share the same amount of durability of those bones. Your telekinesis seems to have potential to be able to work on an atomic level and isn't limited to just physical objects. In addition to this it's range is the same size as Japan with potential to grow bigger. the last thing I could describe better is your quirk makes you count as an undead skeleton when it comes to how much of your body You can survive without. do note however that you will still feel pain from that happening and it would provide no benefits, also you will still regenerate at the rate of a quirkless person".

Izuku (I think I already have a few ideas I can use this for. Becoming a hero will be very easy. but I'm not going to tell my school. there's just no point in doing so because there's only a few days left of high school. and we are all going through different paths of life we each chose, which means the vast majority of us will likely never see each other again). Fast forward to the last day of high school. The teacher asked us where we plan to go after high school and said that we all wanted to be hero's. Though bakugo called everyone in the room aside from the teacher an 'extra' claiming we'd all be lucky to be a sidekick to some d lister and 'reminded' the class that I was 'quirkless'. (If he had any idea how wrong he was. He'd have never even bullied me just from fear alone, as my power at this point in time rivals the strongest people in the world) the teacher then decided to mention that both me and bakugo were going to apply for UA.

After the class had ended and the teacher was no longer in the room I'd be told words by bakugo that would have ended our friendship 'if' it even still existed. :bakugo "you know deku. I can't let a quirkless person like you go to UA. Though if you really want a quirk, just go take a swan dive off to roof and hope you are born with one in your next life". (before even considering what to say in response. I was angry and had half a mind to just rip him apart at the atomic level. Or perhaps manipulate his DNA to make him quirkless. And there are plenty of other things I could add to this list of options I could take if I wanted to go down the path of a villain or vigilante. but ultimately I want to be a hero. plus it would be too soon if I were to become a villain or vigilante because I'd probably be tracked down eventually, so I chose something that would get him angry and still hide from him the fact I'm not quirkless).

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