Chapter 2 new demigods Part 4 extinguishing a flame

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Izuku then went out of his spiritual form because he didn't want to waste his magic. Although he'd need to wait a while to use the illusion magic so the audience wouldn't question anything. It's about as good a time as any to use his other idea. Izuku telekinetically accessed the quirk DNA of all for one that exists within one for all. Very carefully Izuku made that part of the quirk no longer dormant and disconnected it from the villain known as all for one. Just for good measure he also gave it the ability to copy quirks so he didn't need to take quirks from others unless he wanted to. Izuku knew he could have done this earlier but he wanted it to be as fair as possible. However. If his plan works out then endeavor will receive his punishment today. And somebody needs to make use of his quirk if he's brain dead.

Izuku then went back to his seat where he was watching parts of the tournament as he waited for the next fight to start. The second fight in round 2 was ibara vs ida. Ida ended up wining. As much as ibara tried. In the end ida was just too fast for her. But like in the anime ida didn't hit her and only made her run out the arena. The third fight in round two was momo vs mina. Although they had nothing against each other. They both still did the best they could in there fight. In the end though momo won because of her arsenal of weapons and abilities she could create.

The forth fight in round two was kirishima vs uraraka. It was a difficult fight for kirishima. in the end uraraka won because no matter what kirishima did he couldn't fight against the concept of gravity. In round three the first fight was Izuku vs ida. Although ida was fast. He was ultimately harmless to Izuku. As a result Izuku won because ida couldn't out speed izuku's telekinesis and ida was entirely unable to harm Izuku. The last fight in round three was uraraka vs momo. Before the fight started they bowed to each other in acknowledgement of there power and there shared love of Izuku. It was clear neither wanted to hurt the other.

Regardless the fight began. Uraraka began messing with momo's gravity like she did against bakugo. Mono in response created a controllable quirk with anti gravity properties that allow her to float. This made momo unaffected by uraraka's quirk. This made it nearly impossible for anyone to win. That is. If momo didn't also create a quirk that created portals. Like in a previous fight. momo started using a tranquilizer. The Darts kept going through portals that uraraka was having trouble dodging. Eventually uraraka couldn't dodge one of the darts and fell asleep for a while.

as a result momo won. It was after this match that Ida was informed on the phone that his brother was badly hurt by a villain. This filled ida with a desire for revenge that partly corrupted the justice half of his soul. The last round was Izuku vs momo. Because neither wanted to fight and didn't want to hurt each other they both walked out of bounds. They ended up getting a tie because they stepped out of bounds at the same time. Midnight was fine with this because it was basically a way to tell the world they are in a relationship. Aizawa was both disappointed but also understanding of why they both did that. It's not exactly the ideal way to end a tournament. But it's also not ok to hurt someone your in a relationship with. 

Ida then told Izuku and uraraka about what happened to his brother and that he needs to go check on him. A little while later and the awards were given to those who did well in the tournament. As the audience began to leave and Nezu arrived near endeavor. Izuku then teleported near Nezu. Izuku then created an illusion across the arena that prevented the remaining parts of the audience along with any cameras from seeing that he was doing. Next Izuku created an illusion within the mind of endeavor that would make him relive everything he has done to his family. But it would also make endeavor feel all the pain he made his entire family feel. additionally this illusion will repeat itself and continue doing this until endeavor sees that what he did was evil. However this everlasting illusion would only take place for 3 seconds in the real world.

After those 3 seconds Izuku took the quirk of the now brain dead endeavor. Upon inspection from recovery girl it seems endeavor was now in a coma. Some theorize that it was from the realization of how much bad he has done. Others theorize it was from when endeavor drove his wife insane. But those who knew him best think he just wasn't able to comprehend that he did any wrong in the first place resulting in the illusion lasting forever. Izuku felt indifferent about what he did to endeavor And didn't care which theory was correct. Because to Izuku endeavor was no hero and only redeemable villains wouldn't do stuff he's done.

He knew that soon people would soon need to choose a hero name. If it was allowed then Izuku would be happy with the title of villain killer. Though he knew he couldn't because of the hero commission and the hero society. But he knew what would be allowed that would also fit his ideology. He'd just need to be more indirect with his hero name so it has a certain ambiguity to it. He knew that eventually the hero society would change if the correct stuff happened. The real issue however was the hero commission itself. He can understand why hawks is somewhat connected with them. But in the end hawks is unknowingly a double agent who's on izuku's side.

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