chapter 1 the undead mage Part 4 training

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After all might arrived at ua he explained to nezu what happened with the sludge villain. Nezu from then onwards began to take an interest in the potential of Izuku and noted his honesty. All might then told nezu that he decided to recommend Izuku for ua and that he decided that Izuku would be his successor. nezu thought it would probably be a good idea. The next day all might had Izuku meet him at Dagoba beach. :All might "this landfill was once a beach. And cleaning it will be your training, think of it as a form of community service that will help you get stronger for when you are at ua" Izuku "I'm guessing I shouldn't use my quirk for this training" all might "that's correct. While doing so would improve the strength of your quirk. You could encountered situations where you might not have it or be unable to access it". as the day's of training went by Izuku thought about what all might said. And decided to augment his own body. He started with his skeletal structure and made it around as strong and dense as titanium. Next he did the same to his muscles and some of his internal organs such as his lungs and heart. though he was way more careful with them knowing he could destroy them if he's not careful. And before the end of that day Izuku telekinetically spliced The DNA of the sludge villain within himself. and carefully made it hidden inside his bones to prevent most situations where people could find out. The next day all might noticed that Izuku has gained a significant amount of strength.

All might "I'm guessing what I said you thought about for a while. And decided to enhance your body. honestly not a bad idea it will cut down the time you'll need for training and speedup the training, though do keep in mind that you should probably be very careful about that" Izuku "I know. I was careful. But thanks for looking out for me, also just tell me when and I'll do the same for you" all might "you know what. At this point might as well do it" Izuku "if that's what you want". Izuku then telekinetically fixed all of the injures all might had: Izuku "I probably shouldn't risk doing more for you just yet. Your body needs to get more use to being back at 100%, and because your already taking some time off to train me you should be good to be enhanced within the month".

From there izuku's training was uninterrupted for the rest of the 9 months for the recommendation exam. Izuku eventually did enhance all might exactly as he said. at the end of that first month. Though at least end of month 5 all might give Izuku a choice: "would you like to inherit my quirk" Izuku "given I'm your successor it would make sense if I did. Though I'm unsure exactly how strong I'd become. but ultimately it's better to have a massively more powerful hero. rather than multiple that can't take down the more powerful villains, even if it means I become more powerful than the strongest villains alive". After he inherited one for all the other months were mostly spent training to control one for all. And Izuku began to realise what recovery girl meant by his telekinesis being able to be used on non physical objects.

as he noticed he could now see white upside down hearts above any insect he could see. but with people it was a right side up heart. And the color was always determined by the most dominant trait (or in some cases traits) of there personality. and the more Izuku thought about it he knew what they are. though they are different for everyone and are different colors depending on the person they must be souls.

Mhatale: rise of the first godsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें