chapter 1 the undead mage Part 2 the path of a hero

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Izuku "even most villains wouldn't tell someone to commit suicide. Let alone if that someone 'was' a friend. So if you truly are going to become a hero you'd best remember the definition of what a hero is, this way you can remember what you will never truly be" as he got angry these words struck deep into the ego of bakugo as he can't deny the truth in those words (though that doesn't mean he'd give up. Even if the path gets more difficult. bakugo is determined to become a hero, even if he needs to become his own version of a hero and go against society itself to some extent). In bakugo's anger thinking of how to respond to Izuku he didn't notice him leaving the classroom and by the time he realized. Izuku was no longer at school.

Meanwhile Izuku was taking a walk to calm down and unknowingly went under a bridge that the sludge villain was underneath. Not long after that the sludge villain escaped the sewer and was trying to fight Izuku to control his body. In an ironic twist of fate Izuku was now controlling the body of the sludge villain via telekinesis. Just then Izuku thought of an idea (my telekinesis can manipulate stuff on an atomic scale. The sludge villain has been known to take people's body's hostage to try to control there body. This suggests his quirk is a mutation quirk and that he wants to go back to a more human form. Perhaps I can give him what he truly wants if he is willing to accept the punishments for his crimes, though another thing is I could potentially take a small part of his quirk for myself and change it to how I want).

Izuku "I have a question. Isn't your quirk a mutation quirk?, Because if it is I can fix that if you take my deal" the sludge villain "what is it" Izuku "if you tell nobody. And you accept the punishments for your crimes, then I'll change your quirk to be a transformation rather than a mutation" the sludge villain "honestly a deal like that sounds better than I could have hoped for. I know I'll still get jail time but at least I'd get to live a much more normal life, so I accept this deal". with a wave of izuku's hand the genetics of the quirk the sludge villain had changed. He was now able to transform into a human form and back to his sludge form while also allowing partial transformations. though Izuku decided to take an unnoticeable amount of the former villains DNA and put it into a empty bottle of water he had in a bag he was carrying with him.

The sludge villain transformed back into a human form unknowingly at the exact moment all might arrived. And he was able to watch the full transformation. After all might arrested the former sludge villain he decided to question Izuku about what was going on.

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