Chapter 1 the undead mage Part 7 the chosen undead

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After aizawa gave bakugo his warning Izuku aizawa and bakugo went outside after bakugo and Izuku put on there uniforms. Things went different in the quirk apprehension test. Izuku got first in the 50 meter dash by teleporting. in the grip test Izuku broke the device. in the standing run jump Izuku got first from teleporting. In the repeated side steps Izuku used 5% of one for all full cowl to get second place. In the ball throw Izuku used his telekinesis to throw the ball into orbit around earth getting infinite. And overall got first place

that day Izuku momo uraraka and ida walked each other home as they started to form a friend group. When it came time for the battle trial it was Izuku and momo vs bakugo and ida. Like one would expect. bakugo decided to try to fight Izuku immediately when he could but in his pride bakugo forgot something important about the fight. Izuku could be considered a demigod with just his quirk alone. So when bakugo attempted to explode Izuku what happened is the explosion never happened because the spark required for the explosion was never created: Izuku "you should know bakugo. The range of my telekinesis was last measured to be the size of Japan and is able to work on an atomic scale. this means unless I chose to let you then you can't create a spark for your explosions anywhere near me, in other words your basically quirkless while fighting me" class 1a was then scared of the potential harm Izuku could do if he felt like it and bakugo even more so. This led to bakugo being captured by Izuku. During this time momo was able too reach ida and touched the fake bomb because ida was distracted by bakugo being announced to be captured by Izuku. which in turn led to team Izuku winning. 

After all the other matches happened almost everyone was comparing results and generally trying to see where they can improve. Bakugo on the other hand was trying to get izuku's attention so he could question him about his quirk outside. Though from the look on izuku's face alone everyone else in class 1a could easily see it might not happen within this generation. As a result bakugo ended up going home early that day. The next day it was leaked that all might is now a teacher at ua which resulted in ua being swarmed by reporter's. The reporter's kept trying to question the teacher's and students of ua and eventually set off the ua defence system do to there lack of respect for private property. After class 1a arrived in aizawa's class they were told to pick a class rep. Ida successfully suggested for class 1a to use a voting system. In the end Izuku was elected as class rep and got 4 votes while momo got elected as vice rep with 3 votes.

After looking at the results class 1a decided to go to the cafeteria. While they were there the people who voted for Izuku were revealed to be momo ida uraraka and tsuyu. After that Izuku revealed that he voted for momo. Not long after that the alarm went off sending the cafeteria into a panic to escape. Izuku used his telekinesis on everyone panicking in the cafeteria so they would stop moving then Izuku looked out the window and saw it was just the media. To end this panic Izuku used illusion magic to create the sound of his voice explaining that it's just the media in the ears of everyone panicking in the cafeteria. Izuku then released his telekinesis from everyone allowing everyone to move again which ended the panic. Izuku then noticed something: Izuku (I didn't need move my hand to use my telekinesis this time. it seems it mixed with my astral magic. and became more of an at will type of ability rather than something I manually activate and manually control. in other words my magic is mixing with my quirks, definitely an interesting way I could deal with a theoretical quirk singularly in theory)

After class 1a went back into aizawa's class they had a meeting and decided that ida would be in charge of picking the jobs for people to have in the student body because of his good reasoning for his choices. But outside the ua building Nezu and the ua teacher's were investigating how the reporter's were able to get as far as they did past the defence system and found that part of it was decayed via a quirk. In an unintentional coincidence Nezu and Izuku had suspicions there might be a traitor in ua

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