Chapter 2 new demigods Part 5 the first date for a trio of demigods

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Izuku changed endeavors quirk to be more like todoroki's fire in the way it's controlled and created. He also made it provide outright immunity to heat instead of resistance to it. With this his fire magic created an inseparable connection with this modified hell fire quirk. It changed it to be a immunity to heat from natural and magical sources. In addition to a natural and supernatural form of fire manipulation. The next day ida wasn't at ua. He arrived in the hospital to visit his brother. When ida arrived in the room his brother was in he found out that his brother might not be able to continue being a hero do to his injury. And that was still assuming that he'd even be able to walk.

to ida This confirmed he should get revenge for his brother. He knew it was almost certainly stain who did this. He just needed to plan very carefully and tell nobody and he would get his chance. In this same day todoroki went to check on his mother in the mental hospital. It seems she has recovered for the most part. With some help from nezu he could probably get her released. Todoroki was thankful for Izuku doing what he did to endeavor. He just wished it was him who did that to his father. But in the end this was close enough to what he wanted to happen. Back in the present. Aizawa told class 1a that the next assignment was to choose a hero name and that they have a few days till a name is required to be decided.

Izuku uraraka and momo decided to use the remainder of the day to go on a date. They ended up deciding to go to a restaurant. it wasn't an expensive restaurant or a lowly rated restaurant. This was just to see how things would go and not 1 of them wanted low quality food. When they arrived they each decided on what food they wanted. Izuku chose to have a burger with fries. Uraraka chose to have a steak. Momo decided to also have a burger with fries. While they were waiting for there orders they decided to talk. Momo "so. Who all decided on there hero names?" Uraraka "I decided on the hero name uravity. I thought of the name after Izuku enhanced my quirk. It's basically my own version of gravity manipulation so I thought it would fit as my hero name".

 Izuku "the hero name I decided on was sans. The karmic hero. Sans is just the hero name. I figured the closest title to what I want would be 'the karmic hero' I know the title I want would not be allowed. Basically I preemptively compromised the title" uraraka "that probably should be close enough then. The hero name is interesting though" momo "I feel like I'm partly out of the loop with that Izuku" Izuku "don't worry momo I wasn't going to keep this secret from you. Basically I plan on being a villain killer. Not every villain is capable of being redeemed. Some can be but not all of them. I do however still want to save people" momo "so basically the opposite of stain. I think I can support such an idea. Either way it's not my secret to tell" Izuku "glad my feeling was right that you can be trusted with this secret. I think nezu also knows about it and is not against it".

 momo "I think I know why Nezu isn't against it. He wants the world to move past the age of heroes and villains. To accomplish that would require the removal of non redeemable villains and a significant reform to hero society as a whole. Not to mention the world being united as one country" Izuku "that makes sense. Plus it is nezu we are talking about" momo "anyway I've also decided on a hero name. Creati. The everything hero. With my enhanced quirk I can create basically anything I want. Including quirks. Because of this I truly can live up to the title of an everything hero. I thought of the name after you enhanced my quirk" Izuku "glad you both benefited more from the quirk enhancement than the enhancement itself. You both chose good hero names. I guess another thing to tell you both is that I'm working on an injection that would give someone the power of a god"

momo "I'm guessing this is also a secret. For obvious reasons such an injection should only be given to those who can be trusted with that power. Or in some cases if someone earned it. From each encounter class 1a had along with the quirks available at ua. You wouldn't be that far from nigh omnipotence if you really wanted it. You just need a copy quirk. a time manipulation quirk. a quirk that manipulates reality. And perhaps my quirk. After that you'd have an omni quirk" uraraka "when the injection is complete could both of us get an injection?" Izuku "sure. You both are basically demigods with your quirks. I have magic in addition to the quirks currently in the injection. I don't even know the true limits of my power aside from it's finite amount. Why not share an eternity with you both".

After Izuku said that. the trio's orders arrived. The waiter didn't hear the conversation as they were listening to a song and wearing ear buds. Momo and Izuku enjoyed there burgers and fries. Uraraka enjoyed her steak. Overall the trio was happy with there respective meals. The conversation was interesting and informative. They all agreed it was a decent date. Perhaps they could all could go on a better date together another day. But it was going to be a while before they went on a better date.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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