Chapter 7

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I'm glad I had that deadbolt installed because it's the first time I've had a solid night of sleep when my parents are home. I do need to eat food though, maybe I can go out for food. I know there's an Ihop somewhere around here. I roll over and fall as gracefully I can with blankets and a hoodie on. After accepting the bruises that the hardwood has gifted me I get up and waddle over to my closet. I pull a pair of ripped black skinnies off a hangar and a My Chemical Romance shirt. I put on the clothes and fold up any of Tyler's clothes he gave me yesterday. I guess I can stop by and give him his stuff before breakfast. I put any of his things into one of my many drawstring bags from Warped Tour and swing it over my shoulder. I grab my credit card and slide my phone into my pocket before popping the window open. I step out and onto the ladder and begin to quickly step down the rungs. I'm an expert at this by now. I skip a few rungs which turned into a mistake when I didn't anticipate the ladder coming up off the wall. It slowly falls backward so I jump off the ladder and thump into the grass 5 feet below. I groan and roll onto my side. Those bruises from earlier are now accompanied by more from the ground. Then I remember the reason I had to use that ladder and quickly get off the ground. I don't need them finding me in the backyard. I pick myself up along with the ladder and return it to its hiding place. I use the same path I did last night and sneak out onto the sidewalk. I walk down it and random cars pass by. My bag swings against my shoulders as I approach Tyler's house. I walk up the familiar path from yesterday to his front door. I press the bronze button that rings the doorbell and wait for someone to answer. I hear the lock click and the door swing open.
"Oh-uh hey Alice. You need something?" Tyler stands before me in loose sweatpants and his hair all over the place. I guess he either just woke up or ringing the doorbell woke him up. "Wait what happened to your arms?" Tyler suddenly seems much more awake as he suddenly tugs my wrist and into his house. I stumble in as he examines my arm and I stand so close to him since he hasn't budged from where he was when he opened the door.
"I kind of fell off my ladder," I mumble as he examines the second arm. "It's just a few scrapes and bruises nothing to worry about."
"Oh no, c'mon I'll get you some band aids. Wait why were you on a ladder?" Tyler wonders as he still guides me through his house by my wrist.
"It's nothing Tyler." I say as we arrive at our final destination, the bathroom. He looks back at me before turning back around to search through the medicine cabinets. I jump up and sit on the counter and suck in a breath as a bruise on my ribs makes itself known. "Shit." I mutter.
"I know it's not. Did your parents come home last night?" he asks me as he wets a towel under the running water. I say yes and his mouth straightens into a line. "Give me your right arm." I raise my arm up and he begins to dab the scrapes with the warm towel. His face is so concentrated it's kind of cute. Wait, what did I just think? I've gotta stop that, it's gross. He switches the arms and scolds me when I attempt to dry off my other arm. I wait as he smears some Neosporin on the deeper cuts and puts small bandages on them. "Do you have any other injuries? Like any bruises?" I nod and rub my partially bandaged hand over my rib cage. I notice red appear lightly under his tanned skin over his cheeks as he nods. "If you don't want to show me I can just get some ice..."
"No it's fine," I say as I roll my shirt up just under my bra. Tyler runs his fingers lightly over the purplish green bruises scattered across my skin. I marvel at the contrast between our skin tones as I wait for him to decide what to do about my injuries.
"Okay, um let me get some stuff for this," He searches through the cabinet again and I watch as his hands expertly maneuver around. He places miscellaneous pastes and gauze onto the counter next to me. He turns back and unscrews the top to something that smells strongly of mint. He dabs it onto the bruises and I feel it sink into my skin.
"Hey Tyler hi Alice..." Zack suddenly walks in but moves backwards to the door frame. Tyler snaps his head in the direction of his brother, ruining his cute concentration face. Damn, I did it again. "What's happening here?"
"Oh Alice fell off a ladder but she originally came here to give me my clothes. Okay this sounds really unbelievable...but that's what happened. So I've decided to help her out with her injuries." Tyler explains to his brother as I slowly roll my shirt down. I try my best to avoid the minty paste to come in contact with the fabric. Zack and Tyler start a conversation and I sit quietly trying my best to not stare directly at Tyler's bare chest. Jesus, what's wrong with me? I don't find him attractive. I have a boyfriend. Well, a jerk of a boyfriend but a boyfriend nonetheless.
"Alice?" Zack suddenly asks and I snap my head up from looking at the floor.
"Huh?" I ask him and raise an eyebrow.
"Well we were wondering if you wanted breakfast..." Tyler trails off as they both look at me.
"I was just planning on going to Ihop after I gave you your clothes. It's okay," I say and try my best to deny the offer. I don't want to seem rude I just don't want to get too reliant somehow.
"Oh alright, well I'll leave you guys to whatever that was." Zack says and leaves the bathroom. Tyler immediately returns to work and I roll my shirt up as he restarts dabbing the paste on. Eventually he finishes after wrapping gauze around my middle and I can finally drop my shirt back down. I hand him the drawstring bag and he takes it from my hand.
"Okay well let's go to Ihop." Tyler says as I'm in mid-jump down to the floor.
"What? I'm going alone Tyler," I follow him out of the bedroom and to his room.
"No you're not. I'm going with you Alice. I just need to get some clothes on and we can go," Tyler more of states rather than suggests. I give up quickly, I know I wouldn't win this fight. I immediately lie down on his bed and breathe in the familiar scent that also accompanies his sweatshirt. I roll over onto my stomach and snuggle into his bed that somehow seems more comfy than my own. The blue fabric envelops me in warmth as I hear Tyler changing into street clothes. I flutter my eyes closed and tug his blanket up and over my shoulder. I feel Tyler sit on the edge of the bed, probably to put his shoes on. I feel the familiar tug of sleep as my eyes feel heavier. But before I can actually sleep I feel Tyler's hand softly shaking at my shoulder.
"As much as I would want to go to sleep as well I do want to eat some food," Tyler laughs and I slowly roll over.
"But your bed is so comfy," I mumble as the soft blanket twists as I roll onto my back. I look at Tyler from under my eye lashes and see him looking at me. I feel a slight burn in my cheeks and divert my gaze. I don't know what's come over me, maybe I'm sick. I giggle as Tyler slumps down and lies next to me.
"You're right it is, but it's comfier with you in it." I laugh again as I scoot over a little for Tyler to have room. He shuffles to the side so his head is resting on the pillow next to me. I pull some of the blanket out from under me and throw them over Tyler. I close my eyes again as I feel Tyler gently put his arm under my waist, making sure to avoid the bruises. I shuffle closer next to Tyler and wrap my arms around his waist. His fingers trace patterns on my shoulder as I feel sleep tug at me once again. The last thing I am conscious of is Tyler kissing the top of my head.
I wake up in an unfamiliar area and groggily take in my surroundings. I'm wrapped up in a dark blue soft blanket and my head is resting on a black pillow. The sunlight filters through the rectangular window and I slowly recognize that this is Tyler's room. Oh yeah, we decided to fall asleep. Or at least I decided to but Tyler cuddled with me. I wonder what time it is and where Tyler is. I groan as I stretch my arms and legs out in front of me. I take the blanket off and ruffle my hair as I stand up slowly. The sleepiness and bruises don't really help with soreness. I wander out of the small room and out to the kitchen. I spot Zack sitting on one of the stools with his phone out. I walk behind him and look around for Tyler.
"He went to Ihop to get you guys chocolate chip pancakes. He said something about you mumbling in your sleep about it," Zack says without looking up from his phone. I smile at Tyler's sweetness and sit on the stool next to Zack. "So when are you and my brother going to date?"
"Oh no, I have a boyfriend." I mutter and bring one of my knees up to my chest.
"Yeah Tyler told me about that. Pine sounds like an ass to say the least. I think I ran into him once when he was a freshman and he was really rude then. You could do way better, such as my brother. Plus you guys would be cute together and I can see that dopey smile on your face whenever he even looks in your direction." Zack spills out after shutting his phone off. I try to fight off a smile by practically shoving my face into my knee.
"It's more complicated than that," I mumble into my jeans and look up to see Zack smirking.
"Aw, you wanna date my brother." He draws out and laughs. I look away from him and turn my head down.
"No, I don't. Look he's nice and he's really good at cuddling and he gets me pancakes apparently and he's really amazing to talk to...oh my god I want to date your brother." I realize and slowly raise my head as the realization hit me.
"I called it!" Zack cheers and throws his hands in the air. "When can I tell him?"
"Uh, never. Mainly because I've been really rude to him up until practically yesterday I guess," I say and Zack rolls his eyes. "Why am I talking to you about this anyways?"
"Because I brought it up and you know I'm right. Believe me, the feeling is mutual between you and Tyler. You just need to get rid of Pine and it'll be perfect." Zack gets more and more excited as my cheeks get redder and redder.
"I'll figure it out later," I say and get up off the stool. "OJ?"
"It's in the fridge. Cups are in that cupboard," Zack says and immediately takes the opportunity to go back on his phone. This man's priorities seems to be skewed. I open the fridge and place it on the counter and find a cute cup with black music notes on it. I have a feeling this is Tyler's cup. I shake the plastic container before opening it and pouring the orange juice. I place it back into the fridge as I return to the stool with my newly obtained drink. I hear the front door open and whistling accompanying it.
"Hey guys," Tyler says as he walks into the kitchen with the bag most likely containing chocolate chip pancakes.
"If that bag actually has pancakes in it I will be happy forever," I say and wait as Tyler places the bag in front of me. I quickly take the box out of the bag and open it. Inside is chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream on the top. In a plastic container is strawberry flavored syrup and I gasp. I must have gone into detail while I slept because this is perfect. "Thank you so much Tyler. This is my favorite thing ever." I begin cutting into the pancakes and pigging out. I don't really care how stupid I look right now; I want my pancakes. I eventually finish them as Tyler and Zack talk and I push the box away from me. "Thank you so much."
"No problem. I was assuming you'd appreciate it if you talked about it so much while you were sleeping," Tyler laughs and I cover my face.
"I don't usually talk about food in my sleep I swear," I mumble and Tyler comes around the counter to put his arm around me.
"It's okay, it was cute anyways." Tyler says and I feel my cheeks redden. Ugh, this is so frustrating. I peek up at Zack and he winks at me. I rest my head against my knee again as I attempt to keep my face hidden.

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