15 || Unless you Wanna go to Jail Tonight

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Daisy's P.O.V.

I feel a tug on my arm and I look over to see Lucy, "we have to leave now."

"We can't," I whisper back. "Play cool."

Lacey points over at Sodapop, "he's hot!"

"Aren't you with Darry?" I ask her.

She shrugs, "I'm not really sure."

I roll my eyes, "well he's taken."

"By who?" She asks.

"ME!" I yell. "He's mine so back the hell of of him!"

The cop looks over at me, "can we have a word?"

I take a gulp looking at the gang, "s-s-sure?"

He smiles and leads me to a private room, "do you know why we got called down here?"

I shrug taking a wild guess, "drugs and alcohol."

"No," he shakes his head.

"Then what?" I ask him.

"A fight broke out and for some reason I think it was between you and your friends," he speaks.

"Think what you want," I let out a loud sigh. "We have our issues."

"What happened?" He questions pulling out a piece of paper.

"I'm underage," I walk out. As I walk out I grab Lacey and Lucy, "lets run!"

Delilah's P.O.V.

"Let's run!" Daisy run out of a room grabbing Lacey and Lucy.

"What the hell was that?" I snap as she leaves.

"I don't know, but we have to go now," Ali stresses.

"Wait!" I yell turning to Dally and giving him a hug, "I'm sorry, how this all went down. I love you."

He whispers softly in my ear, "I'll get you and Daisy back, I promise I will. Now go run, be safe. I love you you too Del."

I grab Dez and Ali, "lets go."

"I'll see at the Dingo," Alison yells to Ponyboy.

"Ali there's no time for that unless you wanna go to jail tonight!" I yell loudly as the cops walk into the room and look at Ali, Dez, and I making a run for it, "stop them!"

"We did nothing I swear!" Dez yells.

The cops calls for back-up pulling out his hand-cuffs, "you're going to jail!"

"No!" I scream looking at him. "I can explain everything."

The cop grabs my wrist and we walk into the back room, "where you apart of the fight?"

I nod my head, "that's my family though and family's fight. Well they're sort of my family."

"Why were you guys fighting? How are they sort of your family?" He questions.

"My ex-boyfriend Steve and my brother Dally started it. As people tried to stop it or join in or whatever they were doing it got worse and worse. I didn't know what else to do. I grew up with them which is why they're sort of my family?"

"Can you show me which one is Steve and which one is Dally?" The cop asks. I nod in response. "One more question, why were you and those other girls running if your innocent."

"We're all in foster homes," I frown.

He nods, "you're free to go."

"Thank you," I walk out showing him Steve and Dally.

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