17|| This Isn't the Time for Mushy-Gushy Stuff

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Daisy's P.O.V.

Lacey sits on the end of the my bed that I've been laying in sobbing for the past few days since I broke up with Soda, "hey hun'. How are you today?"

"Why does heartbreak have to hurt so bad?" I sniffle as I stuff my face in my pillow.

She kisses the top of my bed, "he's in just as bad shape as you are love."

"That's impossible," I cry. "He broke my heart. I loved him, but then again what is love. What really is love?"

"I don't know sweets," she sighs. "Although you're coming out with us today....Right?"

I shake my head, "I swear I'll never leave my bed again!"Lacey drags me out of bed and I plop on the floor. "Ow."

"C'mon!" She begs. "The gang misses you. Dally misses you. Del misses you. Charlie misses you....Soda misses you."

Lucy marches into the room, "come on lazy bones! Get your tiny ass out of bed and get yourself back to the Curtis house where you belong."

"I don't want to," I whine.

"Well you have to because, if you don't your not gonna see the people you love most in the world," Lucy reminds me. "You're also gonna regret not saying hi to Sodapop."

"Why would I regret that?" I sigh.

"Because, if you don't, he's gonna move on," she states.

I lazily drag myself out of bed throwing my hair in a messy bun, sweats, and a tank-top on, "I'll go, but I won't have any fun."

Lacey smiles, "lets go sisters!"

Del's P.O.V.

"Lets go to the Curtis house! The Curtis house! The Curtis hooouuuse!" I sing loudly as I run through the house.

"Shut up before, we get caught," Dez hushes me.

"We're in a real foster home now, we have rights!" Ali rolls her eyes.

Dez jokingly pushes Ali, "will you shut it?"

"Never," Ali jokes as we walk outside hoping in Dez's truck.

"I have a car," Dez smiles as we speed away.

"Off to the Curtis house we go," I smirk. We pull into the driveway and I hop out before the car even stops bolting into the house.

I run right into Steve landing on my butt and he stares down at me, "little excited Delilah?"

I chuckle, "yea, I guess. Sorry."

"No need love," I shiver as he calls me love.

I choke out, "I-I thought we broke up."

He grabs my hand pulling me upstairs, "I have a surprise for you. Close you eyes." I stumble upstairs sitting on a bed. "Okay now open them."

My eyes open and I see a tons of pictures and notes hanging on the walls. There's also memories playing in the back ground. All I can do is gasp and squeal, "oh my gosh Steve!"

I turn to Steve to see him down on one knee holding out a small box with a small silver heart shaped necklace in it, "I love you too Delilah Winston and I was just wondering if you'd like to try again."

I answer him by kisses him passionately, "I would love to my love."

"I had this whole speech for you thinking it'd be way harder," he smiles pecking my lips.

I smirk, "well you could still give it."

"How 'bout I sum it up?" He asks and I nod happily. "I will stop loving you when an apple fruit grows on a mango tree on the 30th of February."

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