21 || One-Hundred Percent Absolutely Stunning

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MUST READ OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REALLY CONFUSED: This chapter is gonna be flashbacks, and what ifs of Daisy's and the whole chapter will be in Daisy's P.O.V. Everything italicized is a what-if, or flashback and I will specify, but anything else is Daisy thoughts telling you which one it'll be. 

I remember when, it was years ago, but yet I still remember when I first fell in love with Sodapop Curtis

"Sodapop! Sodapop stop it!" I squeal laughing.

He chases after me on the sunny fall day as the leaves changed color, he was wearing his greasy jeans with a white undershirt and a black flannel with red accents, "you're gonna get it now! You're gonna get it now Daisy!"

"Soda stop it!" I run with my curly brunette hair flowing behind me trying not to slip into leaves. "Sodapop, I'm gonna kill you."

He lifts me up with one arm tickling me with the other as I gasp for air, "do you learn your lesson? Huh?" 

He throws me into the water jumping in after as I swim up gasping for air laughing as hard as I can chocking out water, "Sodapop Curtis, I hate you!" I splash his face as my mascara runs down my cheek and my make-up smudges. 

He swims over to me wiping the remaining make-up off my cheek, "how do you still look one-hundred percent absolutely stunning." He presses his lips against mine.

I look out into the lake it happened gasping for air as tears stream down my cheek. That, that was the moment everything changed. If I could take back any moment it would be that one. What if that day played out a little bit different.

"Sodapop, stop it," I roll my eyes flipping down my sunglasses.

Soda stares over to me smiling, "you always have your sunglasses on, don't you?"

"Whatever," I pop gum in my mouth. "You know I'm sexy."

"Yea, yea, yea," he speaks. "Darry's cooking your favorite."

"Anything Italian minus Americanized pizza," I laugh.

"Yes, can you guess what it is?" He smirks poking me. "C'mon guess!" 

I laugh, "lasagna."

"Guess again," he smirks

"Chicken parm," I guess again. A smirk forms on his lips informing me I'm wrong as he shakes his head. "Penne a la vodka."

"How'd you know?" He asks.

"Lets go home geek," I laugh as we climb into the truck.

That's how everything started. That's when I fell in love. Love destroys you and rips apart everything. It numbs you and makes you feel worthless.

I storm over to Soda still crying, "what the fuck Sodapop?"

Soda looks turns around looking at me confused, "Daisy?"

"Who else did you screw over?" I roll my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" He asks rudely.

Anger and hurt boils in my blood, "you slept with Lacey while we were dating! How could you?"

"I can exp-" he starts.

I immediately cut him off, "don't you dare! Don't you dare say it was a mistake, or how sorry you arefor it. You never loved him and I loved you! Gosh Sodapop I would of taken a bullet for you, but you cheated on me with my sister! Do you ev-"

That's where I went wrong. That's when everything changed. If I just, if I just would of let him explain, everything could of been different. I was just so mad. I was just so hurt. I didn't know what to d. I would of done anything at that moment to tell him off, but what if I would of let him explain.

"I can explain," he states and I signal for him to go on. "It was stupid. I don't know what happened. It was one night, it just felt right at that moment, but the next day I felt so bad. We both did and we decided it would be our little secret. She wasn't supposed to tell Two-bit and I wasn't supposed to tell you. I love you just like she loves Two. It meant nothing to me. We still flirted afterward because, we didn't want you or Two be suspicious of why we suddenly changed. I'm sorry. It was stupid, but I love you and I don't want this to be the end."

"I love you too," I peck his lips. "I don't want our story to end here either especially not like this. We're best friends. We can figure it out together."

"You're the best Daisy," Soda smiles. "Promise even if we don't work out we'll always be best friend going to lake where I first kissed you like we always do."

"I promise Sodapop," I hug him.

I look out at the lake we swam in on the first day of summer every year or the tree where we carved our names in it's the same tree where Soda carved,  'DW + SC = <3'. I look over at the sand where we'd chase each other no matter how old we were from three to fifteen or the spot that we built a sand castle. I look over to the hammock that I fell asleep on waking up burnt a few hours later, but it was okay because, Soda did the same thing he was laying right next to me. Tears stream down my red puffy cheeks, I sit on the edge of the lake where the water meets the sand as memories come flooding back to me. I press my knees up against my chest as tears roll down my cheeks.

To my surprise I hear a stick crack in the woods leading to the lake. I stand up swiftly grabbing a rock, "who's out there?....Who's there? I have a rock and I'm not afraid to use it." My breathe fastens as I hear the person running, "I swear to god if you don't tell my who you are, I'm gonna kill you......I have a gun!" Okay, maybe that was a lie, but the pace fastens. "HELP ME!" I look down as the figure falls into plain sight, "Sodapop?"

"Daisy?" He asks back.

Oh my god! I'm so nervous about what's gonna happen! You're gonna love it! Well I hope you liked this little, what-if/what went wrong chapter. I loved writing it. Sorry it's so short. Stay gold. Do it for Johnny!

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