Chapter one reborn

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A/N: hello everyone, welcome to my Aqua x oc reader book! This chapter will be a long one but I usually don't make them long unless needed... or I get carried away with writing😅. But I hope you enjoy this book. Have fun reading!

Before we get into how I got into this idol business I was born in a previous life so let's do a little rewind shall we?
When I was born I was already a burden. My parent's wanted nothing to do with me. But they kept me anyway and raised me pretty decently where they learned to start loving me. Until I turned 3 and still hadn't spoken a word. I just didn't find the need to speak. So they took me to a doctor and they diagnosed me as mute and told my parents to get me into sign language classes. In my free time I mostly sat in my parent's library that we had in our home and just read the books. I don't know why but books just fascinated me. Until one day when I was in high school I grew really sick where I had to stay in the hospital all the time. After a while my parents stopped visiting me which led to me not getting any more of my favorite books.
Ren's pov
I just finished one of the books my parent's left for me, sighing. My doctor came in and he had brown hair and glasses. I smiled then signed to him.
'Here to watch another AI performance?'
Yes but I also need to do a check up. He spoke back, understanding what I signed to him.
"How are your legs?" Are you able to feel them?
'Nope, I've actually started to lose feeling in them completely.'
"Hm looks like you've started to become paralyzed from the waist down. Your condition is getting worse."
I sighed looking out the window. I wish I was back in my parents library reading to my heart's content. I heard the tv in the room being turned on making me look over. My doctor guro was watching AI performance. I never really looked at the idols. It never interested me due to me being a mute. And doing that would involve me having to speak. No thank you. But honestly I have nothing to do since I just finished all my books. I crawled out of my bed sitting in my wheelchair and rolled over to guro.
"Oh? Finally interested in AI?"
I nodded my head yes as he scooted over letting me sit beside him.
As soon as I turned my head to the screen my eyes lit up seeing the purple haired female smiling and pointing at the screen. My mouth was agape at how beautiful she was.
"Ah ah-" I tried to speak but nothing but noise came out. Gorou looked at me in shock since I've never uttered a word since I got here.
"Are you trying to say something?" He asked while I continued to stare at the screen. I took a deep breath then turned to look at him, making him look at me with shock.
"I... w-want t-to b-be l-like h-her." I stuttered never using my voice so it sounded super soft. Gorou gave a smile smile then kneeled down to my level,
"Then you'll have to get over this sickness. You do have a pretty face for it, and your eyes just a second ago looked like AI's." he said, making me blush at his compliment.
"I'd love it if you were my fan doctor guro." I signed then started coughing hysterically making Gorou immediately tend to my care. The next couple months I got worse and worse till I couldn't even move to get out of bed. But each day I would watch komodachi's performances wanting nothing more than to be on stage doing what they were doing. I was assigned a new doctor since guro got assigned to someone else. I heard it was for a pregnant woman. I missed having him around since he was my first love. I mean, he was the first male to not be annoyed by me not speaking and called me pretty. I've never had someone like that in my life before. As I layed there I felt my life leaving me so I decided with the last bit of my strength I would write a confession letter to guro not that i'd get an answer to it since I knew I wouldn't get to see him even read it. Maybe in our next lives will meet again on better terms. Once I was done I layed in my bed closing my eyes letting the cold darkness consume me.
Third pov
Ren then opened her eyes again and saw a bright light.
"Am I dead?" She asked in her mind. Then looked over seeing a women holding her.
"What's going on?!"

"What's going on?!"

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