Chapter 15 Who Should Be Center

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The next day

Itsuki and Ruby decided they were gonna go out shopping today before going to strawberry productions, so Itsuki picked up Ruby from her house.

Itsuki's outfit and hair

 She rang the doorbell waiting patiently for the door to open

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She rang the doorbell waiting patiently for the door to open. Once the door opened, she turned with a smile.

"Oh ru- oh, it's you." Itsuki said, losing her smile seeing aqua who blinked with surprise to see Itsuki here.

"What are you doing here?" Aqua asked, trying to cover up how surprised he was.

"Well if you must know I'm here to pick up ruby for our shopping date together is she ready do you know?" Itsuki asked.

"I'm not sure but you can come in and I'll tell her you're waiting down here." Aqua said moving to the side letting Itsuki walk into their home as he closed the door behind her.

"You can sit on the couch and make yourself at home." Aqua said as he walked upstairs and Itsuki watched him as she sat down.

'He always dresses so plain, but what am I complaining about that makes him so cute!' Itsuki said as she giggled and swayed. Then heard footsteps making her quickly go back to normal.

"She should be done in 20 minutes, she said." Aqua said, walking towards the kitchen.

"Oh okay." Itsuki said as she stood up and followed Aqua to the kitchen.

'There was something I wanted no needed to say to Aqua.'

"T-thanks." Aqua turned and looked at Itsuki wondering why she was saying thanks. "Thank you for you know. Saving me that night, I never really said it so you know." Itsuki said staring at the ground with a blush till she saw two feet step into her vision then felt him grab her hand and use the other to place it under her chin raising it up to meet his aquamarine eyes.

"And I'd do it multiple times. I couldn't afford to lose you Itsuki. So please tell me why I am already losing you... why haven't you been talking to me, tell me so I can fix it." Aqua said, staring into Itsuki's widened eyes as she blushed.  She then closed her eyes and backed away from aqua putting some space between them.

"It's nothing you can fix now. You made your choice and I wasn't it. You can forget about me challenging you to call me pretty one day. I'm gonna go check on Ruby." Itsuki said with a sad smile then started walking towards the stairs. Leaving Aqua in the kitchen, he didn't understand what Itsuki meant by she wasn't his choice. He'd choose her over anyone any day so why is it. Aqua's eyes widened as he thought about what happened on love now.

Later day after ruby and Itsuki went shopping.

Three girls stared at mem-Cho in shock after the news she told them.

"Japan idol festival?!" The three girls said in unison.

"Yeah, the producer I worked with on love now has a connection. If we're interested, he can squeeze us into the lineup." Mem-Cho explained.

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