Lie Detector.

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'This is scary. I feel like a robot.' Gabriel chuckles while adjusting into his seat.

'How is it?' I chuckle.

'It's alright. Not the best. But it'll do.' Gabriel chuckles.

'Are you ready?' I ask.

'As ready as I'll ever be.' Gabriel nods.

'Okay the first question is... Is your name Gabriel Guevara?' I ask.

'I believe so.' Gabriel nods.

'The truth.' the lady puts a thumbs up.

'Okay you're doing good. Keep up the good work.' I laugh.

'Do you play Nicholas Leister in Culpa Mia?'

'I do.' Gabriel nods.

The lady puts another thumbs up.

'Are you a dick?' I lean closer.

'Me or Nick?' Gabriel smirks.

'Nick.' I nod.


'He's telling the truth.' the lady nods.

'Good start.' I chuckle.

'I'm an honest man.' Gabriel shuffles around.

'Are you sure?' I ask.


'Are you nervous?'

'A little bit.' Gabriel smiles.

'He's telling the truth.' the lady nods.

'You have once said, that I am the best co star you have ever worked with. Do you really think that?' I look into Gabriel's eyes.

'One hundred percent.' Gabriel smiles and nods.

'Sam?' I look at Sam.

'He's being truthful.' Sam nods.

Gabriel chuckles and nods.

'Aw. Cute.' I smile.

'Do you think it would've been a deal breaker if we didn't get along?' I smile.

'Definitely. It would've been weird.' Gabriel admits.

'Sam?' I shift my attention to Sam.

'He's being honest.' Sam nods.

'Okay okay. I like it.' I chuckle.

Gabriel smiles.

'Do you think there's a chance that you like me more than I like you?' I lean closer to Gabriel.

'Ummm. I think we like each other the same. But I show it more.' Gabriel nods.

'Hm. I don't know about that.' I chuckle.

'He's being truthful.' Sam chuckles.

'Yayyy.' I laugh.

'You grew up in Madrid. Correct?' I ask.

'Mhm.' Gabriel nods.

'Is that where you are from?'

'Yep.' Gabriel smiles.

Sam puts a thumbs up.

'Good stuff.' I nod.

'Would you say you're a typical Madridian?' I chuckle.

'Maybe. I like to think so. Yeah.' Gabriel nods.

'He's being honest.' Sam puts a thumbs up.

'Fair enough.' I nod.

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