I'm sorry.

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The Bedroom:
'What are you doing?' Gabriel asks.

'I'm sorry. But I can't live like this anymore.' I start shoving all my clothes in my suitcase.

'Kris, Kris. Stop stop. Look let's just talk this out. Please.' Gabriel grabs onto my hand.

'No Gabriel. This time I'm doing what I want to do without you getting in my way. Let go and just leave me alone.' I pull my hand away.

'Kris please, just... just talk to me. I promise I won't cause an argument. Just vocalise it with me.' Gabriel sits on the bed.

'I've vocalised everything I needed to vocalise. I'm done with all this bullshit. I've had enough. Just please, let me do this alone.' I add more clothes to my suitcase.

'Kris, acknowledge me dammit.' Gabriel closes my suitcase and puts his hand in mine.

'Don't push it.' I push Gabriel's hand off and open my suitcase back.

'Kristen just fucking talk to me.' Gabriel stands up and grabs my hands, with a tight grip.

'Gabriel... you're hurting me. Let go please.' I shake my head while trying to escape from his grip.

'It's hurting me too, Kris. Everything is.' Gabriel tightens his grip even more.


'What the fuck is going on?' I hear Eva opening the front door and asking.

'Let go of her bro.' Eva pushes Gabriel off.

Gabriel takes a deep breath and steps back.

'Get the fuck out!' Eva yells at Gabriel.

'You're not kicking me out of my own house.' Gabriel laughs.

'What is wrong with you?' Eva stares at Gabriel in disbelief.

Gabriel chuckles and looks down.

'Who are you? Honestly, who are you?' Eva points at him.

'Just get him out. At least until I'm done packing my shit and getting the fuck out of here.' I say to Eva.

Eva nods and leads Gabriel out of the house.

'You'll come back to me, Kristen! You know you will!' Gabriel yells before slamming the door.

'Yeah yeah sure.' Eva locks the door.


'What the fuck just happened?' Eva steps back into the bedroom.

'I can't. I physically can't, Eva. I'm packing my shit and I'm getting the fuck out of this fucking city.' I shut my suitcase.

'Where are you going?' Eva asks.

'To Barcelona.' I grab my suitcase.

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