2 weeks later.

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The last two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. Me and Gabriel had been arguing, then sorting it out. Then arguing again, then sorting it out again. And it was like a never ending cycle. Today, surprisingly we hadn't argued. Which came as a shock to the both of us.


'Do you want some food?' Gabriel asks.

'Oooo you making it?' I ask.

'No. What do I look like to you?' Gabriel laughs.

'Then where we gonna get it from?' I chuckle.

'Takeaway. Obviously.' Gabriel laughs.

'Yes please. I want tacos.' I ask.

'How many do you want?' Gabriel takes his phone out.

'Ummm... two please.' I smile.

'Okay. Fries?' Gabriel looks at me.

'Obviously.' I laugh.

'Okay.' Gabriel chuckles.


After the food had arrived, me and Gabriel decided to watch a movie and eat our food and for the first time in I don't know how long, we were fine.

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