Where have you been?

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'Where have you been?' Gabriel walks into the living room.

I ignore him.

'Hello? I'm talking to you.' Gabriel nudges me.

'I'm not bothered today. Okay?' I look at him.

'Oh but you are. Do you realise what you did?' Gabriel asks.

'Mhm.' I nod.

'And what? What do you have to say? I would love to know.' Gabriel gestures with his hands.

'I don't have to say anything.' I shrug.

'Oh yeah of course.' Gabriel shrugs. 'Of course you don't.'

'Yeah I don't.' I repeat.

'Mhm.' Gabriel nods.

'Okay I'm not having this conversation with you right now.' I get up from the couch and Gabriel grabs my arm.

'No no no no. You run away...' Gabriel starts.

I let out a laugh.

'I'm glad you find it amusing. You run away, you come back after two days and you're the one that doesn't wanna talk.' Gabriel looks into my eyes.

'Let go of me.' I try to pull my arm back.

'No.' Gabriel lets out a chuckle.

'Gabriel let go of my arm now.' I move Gabriel's hand off of me.

'Okay okay fine.' Gabriel steps back.

'Ugh.' I roll my eyes while seeing Gabriel head to his room.


The Bedroom:
'Come here.' Gabriel laughs.

'Shut up. You're so unserious.' I laugh and roll my eyes, making Gabriel burst into laughter.

'What?' Gabriel laughs. 'Was I the one that ran away?'

'Shut up. I didn't.' I chuckle and look down.

'Yeah you did.' Gabriel sits on the bed next to me.

'I missed you.' I lean my head on Gabriel's chest and look up at him.

'Missed you too.' Gabriel pecks me.

I chuckle.

'Idiot.' Gabriel smiles.

'Shut up.' I laugh.

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