He is your true love.

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'Kris, he's your true love. In fact, he's your only love.' Gavi puts his hands in mine.

'No.' I shake my head.

'Yes. As much as you try to deny it, he is. Can you not see everything that has happened has still led you back to each other?' Gavi asks.

'Yeah cause he's a stalker.' I chuckle.

'That he is. But he still managed to make you love him. So I don't know how that works.' Gavi chuckles.

'I know, Gav. But I'm scared. I'm scared that we'll go back to each other and nothing has changed.' I sigh.

'Look there's a saying that when two people are meant for each other, eventually they'll find their way back. And I think that's what's happening here.' Gavi explains.

'I know that's what's happening. And that's what's scaring me. And I refuse to believe that's he's changed. I absolutely refuse it.' I roll my eyes.

'I think he loves you so much, that he might've actually done it. For you.' Gavi shrugs.

'Okay so now that you've said this, what do you think I should do now? In this situation.' I ask Gavi.

'Go back home.' Gavi smiles at me.

'How?' I ask.

'Plane.' Gavi laughs.

'That is so long.' I complain.

'Not exactly.' Gavi chuckles and looks down.

'What?' I ask confused.

'I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you this. But I will. He's back in Madrid. And he um... he thought that when he first came here you would leave with him, and obviously you didn't. And he got you a little something.' Gavi smiles.

'Got me something?' I ask surprised.

'Yeah. All I need is for Pedri and Laura to come so we can take you there.' Gavi looks at me.

'Take me where?' I ask confused.

'Just stop asking questions and pack whatever bags you have so I can show you.' Gavi chuckles and pays my back.

'Aaaaghhh okay okay.' I chuckle and head to my room to pack my bags.


To be completely honest, I was kind of sad I was leaving Barcelona. I had made so many memories the last couple of months here, and had met some incredible people, and now it was time to say goodbye. And it did hurt me, a little bit. But I knew that when the time was right, we would meet again. At least I hoped.


After I had packed my bags, Pedri and Laura had already gotten to the house, ready to take me to god knows what destination.


In the Car:
'So how do you feel now that you're leaving?' Pedri asks me.

'Sad.' I say in a low tone.

'Me too.' Laura smiles and pulls me into a hug.

'Guys, it didn't work out how we would've wished, but you will all be in my heart forever.' I smile and take a deep breath.

'I'm gonna miss you so much.' Laura rests her head on my shoulder.

'I'm gonna miss you too. But I have a suggestion.' I chuckle.

'Oooo. What is it?' Gavi asks.

'Write it all down.' I give them all a massive notebook.

They all look at me with a confused face.

'Every crush you ever have, when you fall in love, when you have kids....' I smile.

'So that when we meet again, I can read all about my best friends' lives and pretend I was there with them.' I smile, a tear escaping my eye.

'Damn Kris, you're gonna make me cry.' Pedri says in a trembling voice.

'Sorry. Sorry. Okay let's stop with this emotional shit. Just please. Write it.' I smile.

'We will.' all three of them say.

'Good.' I smile.


The drive was about thirty minutes long, and we had stopped right at the hangar. Which confused me.


'Um Ped, I think you made a wrong turn.' I look around.

'Nope. This is it.' Pedri looks around.

'We're at a hangar. This is wrong. We don't own no jets.' I chuckle.

'We don't, but you do.' Laura looks at me.

'What?' I ask confused.

'Okay so when Gabriel came here, he thought you were gonna leave with him, and he got you um... a jet. And now that you wanna go back, Luca kindly let us know that he made the pilot fly it here for you to leave. And yeah.' Pedri explains.

'Wait what?' I chuckle.

'Yep. So if that isn't the confirmation that this man wants you back then I don't know what is.' Laura sighs.

'Yeah.' I look down.


After a couple of minutes of hugging and crying, it was time for me to leave. And a part of me was happy and a part of me was upset. But, I couldn't lie I was happy to be going back to my Gabriel.


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kristen_black ✈️✈️✈️✈️

📍Somewhere In The Sky


user9 um what she's leaving Barcelona?

username33 I'm confused

user66 she deleted all the pics of her and Gav

username2 she's definitely back with Gabriel

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