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"Don't be angry with me" Katherine said, in a pleading voice.
I looked straight ahead and didn't bother with a response.
"I'm just trying to look out for you Kara" She said after a while. "You need this-"
"Don't tell me what I need!" I snapped.
"Okay, I'm sorry but, this will help you. Nikita said that Dr. Hudson was the best therapist in this area-"
I put in my earphones at that point and turned up the volume to Cough Syrup by Young The Giant. If I didn't, I'd probably say something rude and hurtful that I'd most certainly regret later on.

We've been here for nearly 2 weeks now. As soon as we adapted to this time zone, Nikita insisted on making us do all kinds of things that were apparently very important. We applied for family based immigrant visas, went to the bank to convert all our Rands to US Dollars and set up our bank accounts, Nikita got us new ridiculously expensive cell phones- which I absolutely refused to accept, but Katherine insisted I take it, to make it easier to communicate later on. I still wasn't convinced it was necessary, so I made her hold on to it. After that, we went to Nikita's doctor to get physical checkups, and had some tests done just as a precaution. I was okay with all of those things, and I didn't really mind tagging along with her and Katherine. I was fine with all of it until Nikita brought us here and completely blindsided me. I didn't know what her intentions were until we reached the secretary's desk and Nikita told a middle aged woman that I was here for the 12 O'clock appointment. When I tried bolting, Katherine pulled me back and told me that they had discussed it a few nights ago and that everyone apparently came to an agreement that this was in my best interest.
Everyone, except me.
That's what really pissed me off. Did I have no choice here? And why did these people think they had any right to make decisions on my behalf? The fact that Katherine was in on it made the situation so much worse and frankly, it stung like a bitch. I knew it was silly and childish on my part but, I felt like she was already choosing these people over me. I was hurt and pissed off, so I might have said some hurtful things to Nikita before making her go wait in her car. I almost felt bad about it too, but I wasn't going to apologize.

Katherine ripped the earphones from my ears and gave me a look that said; 'Stop acting like a little bitch'. I glared at her and bit down on my tongue to stop myself from spitting obscenities.
"I'm just looking out for you" She repeated.
"So you claim"
"I am!" She scolded "We came here because we didn't want to be stuck. We wanted to move on but how can we do that when you never speak about what you saw that night?"
"You. Never. asked!" I hissed, suddenly feeling a stab of pain in my chest. "You've always been around, yes. But we've both avoided the topic, so don't you dare make as if I'm the only one who's closed off. What about you, huh?" I sneered as quietly as I could without making more of a scene. "You came home to a mother who hung herself, while your sister held her up, as if she could still somehow save her. You telling me that shit didn't traumatize you? Not even a little?"
She flinched at my words but stubbornly stood her ground.
"Of course it did, but I am trying to move on and that's where we are different Kara. It hurts, but I've accepted that it is what it is and that all I can do now is move on from it, but you're stuck, and it kills me to see you living like this, especially since there's nothing more I can do to help you."
I shook my head and blinked back tears
"I don't need this kak. I would've been fine eventually. It would take me much longer than it would for you apparently, yes, but as long as you're with me, I wouldn't need anyone else. I only need you, Katherine. " I told her.
She grabbed onto my hand but I quickly pulled back and ignored the hurt look on her face. I swallowed back my rage and hurt and worked on putting my earphones back in.
"Go wait in the car Katherine. I don't wanna talk to you right now"

It took a few minutes of heartbreaking silence, but she finally got up and left. I knew she only had my best interest at heart but I was really fucking angry right now. Angry at the fact that she went behind my back to speak to Nikita and Matthew of all people, about finding me some 'help'. I was furious over the fact that she was able to quickly put all of it behind her and move on, while I was stuck in a permanent state of depression, and I was angry that she never asked me about what I had seen. Not once, since that night had she spoken about it. She only knew the edited version because; she was there when I gave my police report. I despised talking about it to anyone but, I would have, if only she'd asked. Instead, she opted for sending me to a complete stranger who'll probably get overpaid to psychoanalyse me, and then force me to talk about my fucking feelings. I felt myself getting more worked up so, I stopped the music on my indie playlist, and started searching through my Mozart collection for something more soothing.
"You're here to see the good Doc?"
I shifted my gaze from my iPod, to look at the shoes of the guy who had stopped to speak to me. He was wearing worn vans, with a navy blue jumpsuit; the type of thing a caretaker or janitor usually wore. Maybe he was one of the workers here, who was only speaking to me because he had to pass on a gravely important message. Something like; 'Dr Hudson had an emergency that she had to attend to, you're free to leave now and be in your way.'
Ha. Wishful thinking.
I looked up at a young man. His light brown eyes widened a fraction, and I found myself mirroring his reaction. He young man I was looking at had high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. Full, dark brows and long lashes made his eyes stand out even more against his creamy tanned skin. My eyes traced the straight line of his nose and cursored over the delicate curve of the tip and his nostrils- one of them pierced with a really thin black hoop, which suited him perfectly somehow. I found it surprisingly attractive, actually- and a set of pouty lips that was currently pulled up into a mischievous sort of smirk.
Even though he was in a navy jumpsuit and oversized beanie, he was absolutely gorgeous. The kind of guy who looked like he should be walking runways and have his schedule filled up with big photo shoots instead of cleaning offices but, something told me that he already knew that.
"You don't really wanna be here, do you?" He asked, in a husky tone.
What was it to him? I thought faintly.
I tilted my head questioningly but didn't answer. I was still admiring his features until I saw his eyes travel up and down my body, lingering on my exposed legs. Even though it was still technically winter here, the air was horrifically humid. Though now, I regretted wearing jean shorts instead of a full jeans because now, I had a pervert staring at me like I was piece of meat.
"I mean, Dr Hudson's good, or so I've heard" He continued, "But, there are other therapeutic ways of forgetting all about your issues. Ways that are much more fun." He smirked "Like fucking... me, specifically. "
I felt my eyes go wide and my jaw drop. Was this guy for real? Was this real? Couldn't be, cause if it was, that would mean an unbelievably good looking stranger in a jumpsuit had just walked up to me and offered his sexual services and that was just fucking bizarre. I wasn't sure whether to laugh at him or cringe... I chose neither, and just stared at him incredulously.
I've had a lot of guys come on to me before but, never like this. Was this what girls in America had to be subjected to everyday or was it just this weirdo? And why did he look so smug? Like this was all very normal and getting me to spread my legs was already a done deal? For some reason, it pissed me off that he thought I would be that easy.
"Shouldn't you be off scrubbing a toilet, or something?" I snapped.
Despite the insult, a huge smile broke out on his face showing off straight, pearly white teeth but even though he was grinning like a crazy person, his eyebrows had shot up, making him seem genuinely surprised.
"Ooh, Feisty... I like it." He teased with a snort when I narrowed my eyes at him. "Your accent... It's not from around here."
"State the obvious much?"
"Well, I was kinda hoping you'd fill in the blanks without me having to actually pose the question." He explained slowly, in a way that told me he thought I was an idiot. "Dang, you should really brush up on your social cues"
Says the guy who walks up to complete strangers and offers up sexual favours...because, that's such a societal norm. I wanted to say. Instead, I shot him a dry look and went with the shorter version.
Another wide grin broke out his face but this time he laughed a deep husky laugh.
"What's your name?"
"Mr. Montgomery!"
We both turned to look at the impeccably dressed older woman. She had short gray hair and wore specs, which did nothing to soften the glare that was aimed at the janitor, who I now knew as Mr. Montgomery.
"Please refrain from speaking to any of my patients, thank you" She said, dismissing him.
"Sure thing Dr. H" He replied, with an innocent smile that I'm pretty sure was only there to annoy the older woman. It worked.
Before she could say anything else however, he was already walking away but, not before flashing me another stunning smile accompanied by a cheeky wink. I shook my head at his retreating figure, distantly worrying about the kind of staff this place hired before standing up and focusing on my current situation.
"You must be Kara, Nikita's niece from South Africa?" When I nodded, she continued. "I'm Dr. Hudson. It's nice to finally meet you"
I took her proffered hand stiffly and nodded my head once in greeting. She smiled kindly and motioned for me to follow her.

Falling To Pieces #1 (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now