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I climbed in quickly, and shut the door behind me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, sounding more annoyed than I actually was.
"Hey, now. That is no way to greet your good friend" He replied before turning to his brother and Katherine. "Someone should really teach this girl some manners"
"Friend. Really?"
"Yeah, remember how you begged me to be your friend last night? Or were you drunk? I mean, that would explain the dance moves"
He laughed a deep throaty laugh and slapped the side of his knee, as if what he had said was really funny. I shot him a murderous glare, but he ignored me and continued laughing.
"Is anyone gonna tell me why he's here?" I asked.
"Micah's taking us all out for supper. Do you mind?" She asked with a pleading look that told me she really wanted to spend more time with him.
"Nope." I grumbled, even though I did, in fact mind.
"Thank you" She mouthed
"As long as it's not sushi. Terry, Wesley and Chloe just invited me to join them. I said no, so bumping into them would be awkward." I explained quickly
"Yeah... definitely not having Sushi tonight" Alex muttered under his breath.
"Okay, just a nice restaurant then?" Micah suggested as he put his car into drive.
Alex let his head fall back and scrunched up his face. "Booooooring! I want Taco Bell"
"Taco Bell?" Katherine quirked up
"Dude... your girlfriend doesn't know what Taco Bell is"
"I know what Taco bell is." She defended. "Well, I've heard about it but obviously never had it before" She explained to Micah looking shy suddenly.
Something told me that had everything to do with the fact that Alex had just called her Micah's girlfriend and nothing at all to do with the fact that she was South African, who hadn't eaten at an American franchise fast food restaurant.
"Well, here's an idea." Alex perked up. "I say you take her there. It'll be a first for her and you'll be right at her side, sharing that one special moment" Alex said dramatically and then turned to me "I mean, how fucking romantic is that?"
"Alex, shut the fuck up!" Micah scolded from the driver's seat
Alex, who was still looking at me, rolled his eyes and made a funny face as a way of mocking his brother. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help smiling at how silly he was being.

When we got to the counter at the Mexican fast food restaurant, Alex took it upon himself to order us all of his favourite meals and promised that it'll bring us all to orgasm. Micah shook his head in open frustration and apologized to me and Katherine for his brother's foul mouth and bad manners. As soon as we settled down at a table, Alex immediately started stuffing his mouth with his burrito, not giving one single fuck. I didn't know him well enough to say whether or not he was acting weird, but something seemed off about him tonight. At least that's what I thought. Micah looked like he was used to this behaviour and Katherine didn't pay him any attention at all.
"If you don't like it, we could get something else" Micah said to Katherine.
He didn't eat anything until she had her first bite. Katherine's entire face lit up, and I immediately knew it was good. We had similar tastes when it came to food, so I trusted her judgement.
"Oh My God, this is good!"
"There it is" Alex whispered "the start of her orgasm"
Micah stabbed Alex with his elbow and then turned his attention back to Katherine. He looked at her adoringly as she stuffed her face with her own burrito, and then smiled stupidly when he used a serviette to wipe the side of her mouth clean. She giggled like a school girl and blushed.
"I'm glad you like it" He smiled tenderly.
Okaaaaay... They spent a day together and they were already acting like a lovesick couple? He seemed sweet, and she was definitely into him. I was happy for her, really, but that didn't mean I wanted to sit here and watch them flirt. It felt awkward, like, I was intruding on their date or something. As if reading my mind, Alex lightly kicked my leg to get my attention. He rolled his eyes at the couple and nodded his head to the opposite table. I nodded my agreement, then as one, we grabbed our food and moved over to the next table.
"How fucking romantic is that?" He repeated his mocking question from earlier
"Yeah..." I said, studying him. Something was definitely off.
He leaned in to take another bite of his food but froze when he saw me staring.
"Why aren't you eating?"
"I was going to" I said, without looking away.
His brows dipped.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
I diverted my eyes and picked up my own spicy chicken burrito and brought it up to my mouth.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" I said, before taking a rather large and very unladylike bite.
He put his food down and gave me hard stare. I think he was trying to make me uncomfortable, and he kinda did. Good thing I mastered at keeping emotions off my face. He leaned in closer- and that's when I saw it. His pupils were super dilated. He had really light brown eyes, so it was clearly visible under the harsh fluorescent lights.
"Are you high?" I blurted.
"No!" Looking almost offended and then almost immediately burst out laughing "Okay, maybe a little"
"What did you take?"
"What's your race?" He asked, changing the subject so quickly, he made my head spin. "Cause, your eyes are like, really blue, but you're not white- and I really didn't mean for that to sound racist" He added quickly, "I'm just curious"
I... believed him.
"My mother was white, my father was coloured"
"You mean black?" He questioned sceptically, and eyed my hair.
"No. Brown."
"I have no idea if you're being sarcastic right now. It's really hard to tell with you" He said sincerely.
I hid a smile and took a sip of my strawberry margarita flavoured, Frutista Freeze.
"So...?" He raised a questioning brow and looked at me expectantly.
"My father was a brown man" I told him. "In South Africa, we have 4 dominant racial groups; Black, White, Indian and Coloured. Coloured people are neither White nor Black, hence; brown. It's a mixed race, basically." I explained.
"Cool..." He nodded slowly. He looked as if he was considering my words, before he spoke again. "Katherine over there could pass for white, but which category do you fall under?" He asked, with a straight face, and then took a bite of his food.
I dropped my food and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Do you do that on purpose?"
"Do what?" He asked around a mouthful of food
"Make it your life's mission to offend people?"
"What are you talking about?" He asked, looking genuinely confused
"So, which category do you fall under?" I repeated, imitating his husky voice.
"Now that's fucking offensive!" He exclaimed. "My voice is sexy! How dare you make it seem otherwise?"
"I'm not a fucking subject! I'm a human being, you idiot!" I spat, ignoring his stupid comment.
"Whoa... calm down, crazy!"
"Ugh! Just shut up and go back to inhaling your burrito" I hissed, before angrily taking another large bite of my own food.

Falling To Pieces #1 (COMPLETE) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant