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I don't remember how we got upstairs. I couldn't tell you what we passed on the way, what colour the walls were, if there were anyone else in the room with us. I must have blanked out, because suddenly I found myself being held upright by Katherine and Micah on either side of me. They led me down a long hallway—much like the one in the peach mansion— and passed several doors. One of those doors muted the music that blared from inside the room. I had a strong feeling that Alex was on the other side of that door. Suddenly, the urge to be in his presence, physically overwhelmed me but, with the help of Micah and Katherine, I was able to keep my feet moving.
Now was not the time.

I numbly followed Katherine and Micah into a large room that was dominated by a king sized bed. I noticed some of Katherine’s clothes sprawled across the leather couch that was situated in front of a flat screen TV set-up . I had to assume that I was in Micah’s room.
They walked over to sit me down on the bed and I complied.
“I’ll be right outside. Just call me if you need anything” I heard Micah whispering to Katherine
They turned away and whispered back and forth for a bit before he gave her a quick kiss and then left the room. Katherine turned to me and studied my face but didn’t say anything. I don’t know what she saw but, her whole demeanour changed. Her face turned gentler than it had ever been before. It was almost… sympathetic.
“Kara," She breathed. "I don't want you to beat yourself up about this, alright? It’s Okay. It's going to be—”
“Okay?” I asked in disbelief.
What the fuck was she saying?
“Are you seriously going to stand there and tell me that it’s okay to forget the day I watched our mother hang herself?”I asked, feeling baffled.
“It slipped your mind.” She said in a voice that one would use to calm a wild animal. “It slipped my mind too but, I see this as a good thing—”
“Wh...? Katherine. It's been a year. It's been the toughest fucking year and yet it feels like something that happened only yesterday and... and we forgot?!"
“It means we’re moving forward. We’re moving onto something better and that's what we wanted. I’m happy again Kara, you’re happy! I saw the way you were laughing with Terry. It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you look so carefree, you even did something to your hair, finally!” She smiled widely and slightly out of breath. “You’re finally doing things girls your age should be doing. You’re starting to live Kara and there’s nothing wrong with that”

My eyes started to well up with new tears. I knew she was trying to make me feel better but, I guess I was too overwhelmed to see her logic. She thought I was happy? She knew me better than anyone else in this world and she couldn’t even tell that I was not okay. She thought that forgetting our mother's tragic end was a good thing? How? I didn’t understand and it seemed like she was too high on her own newfound romance to understand where I was coming from. Usually, I was intent on seeing Katherine happy but right now, I found it difficult to even be around her when she was like this. I needed space. I needed to get away from her immediately.
I drew in a shaky breath and slowly got to my feet.
“You’re right” I lied.
Her face practically lit up.
I had to work really hard to plaster on a smile. I wiped at my tears and flashed a tight, shaky smile.
“You’re right. It is okay… I’m finally okay.”
Katherine broke into a wide smile and pulled me in for a tight hug.
“I knew it” She replied.
The fact that Katherine, of all people couldn't tell how much I was spiraling, broke my fucking heart.
I didn’t trust my voice not to break so I whispered; “I have to go.”
“Wait for me! I need to pack my things, it won’t take long. It’s been a long day. We should just go home and rest—”
While she quickly tried to gather her things, I blinked back tears and willed myself to breath evenly.
“No, no, stay here. I’m going back to Terry’s house”
“What? No—”
“I’m fine.” I said severely, with strength I didn’t know I still had. “It’ll make me feel better. To be around friends. People who make me happy. Same goes for you, so stay here… with Micah.”
She considered her options. I knew she really wanted to stay but, at the same time she was hesitant to leave me on my own.
“It’s Saturday. Spend it with him and we'll talk tomorrow. I'll be fine.” I went on, saying everything I knew she wanted to hear.
After weighing her options some more, she finally nodded her head and pulled me in for another hug.
“Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. But, call me! If you need me to come get you— at any time before then. Just call."
I dried my eyes and rushed out of the room, nearly running into Micah, who had been pacing the hallway. When he noticed me leaving his room, he rushed over to me. I was touched by how worried he looked.
“Kara, is everything okay?" He asked, eyes wild. "Where are you going?”
“Back to Terry’s” I replied, as I walked around him and tried to avoid eye contact.
“What? Hey, wait! Let me at least drive you then”
“No, I’ll just walk. It’s not far” I said, as I hurried toward the stairs.
Micah pulled me back by the arm and looked at me like I had lost my mind. Maybe I had.
“C’mon, let me at least drive you there.”
“Katherine needs you” I told him as a way of distracting him. It worked.
His look of determination faltered.
“Why? What happened?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.
“She needs you” I repeated. “She asked me to call you in.” When he didn’t let go of my arm, I continued. “Nothing’s going to happen to me in this neighbourhood. I’ll be fine. Katherine is the one who needs you now… I’m worried about her Micah, and I know you can make her feel better.”
He studied my face and apparently believed me, because he let go of my arm and rushed back to his room. I didn’t waste time, just in case he decided to come back. I hurried down the stairs and tried to figure out where I could go. I didn’t want to go back to Terry’s. She'd just bombard me with questions, and so would Wesley and Riley and I just... couldn't do that right now. I just needed to be on my own, so I could make sense of everything. Maybe I should just go home and try to sneak in. If I get caught, I’d just have to come up with something. It’s not like they won’t let me in.

Falling To Pieces #1 (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now