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I got out of bed and let out a long moan as I stretched. I slept really well considering the fact that I came home with my mood in a bit of a funk. The best I’ve ever slept in a really long time actually. Maybe it was because I was too tired to lay awake and let my mind ponder…whatever it was, it worked for me. I was surprised when I saw that I had slept until nearly 2 in the afternoon. Actually, I was more surprised that no one woke me up for Sunday lunch.

I walked into the connecting bathroom, planning to go to Katherine’s room but as it turned out, I didn’t have to. The girl herself was in front of the mirror in the ‘hair and makeup department’, as I liked to call to it.
“Going somewhere?”
I hopped onto the counter next to where all her makeup and hair products were laid out. She smiled shyly and I immediately had an idea as to what was coming next.
“Micah asked if I wanted to spend the afternoon with him, and of course I said yes” She said, with a goofy smile on her face.
“How old is he, by the way?”
I scrunched up my face.
“I’m 21! It’s only 8 years.”
“He’s old, Katherine. And that's a big gap”
“Who cares, when he looks the way he looks. Anyway! Since we exchanged numbers last night, I was already wondering how I'd casually start up a convo without seeming too eager, but when I woke up this morning there were already a few messages from him!” she giggled
“Wow…” I mocked.
She was way too high on infatuation to catch my sarcasm.
“I know! He’s so sweet and smart and funny and he is such a gentleman… which is a bit confusing because, I keep getting these like, ‘he-man’ vibes from him and—”
“Wait, wait… did you just say ‘he-man’ vibes?” I laughed
“Yeah, I don’t know how to explain it. He's all well mannered, but kinda cheeky, and I just get the impression that he likes to be in control.” She looked at me and smiled mischievously. “Do you have any idea how hot that is? I’ll let him take control of me any day, just saying.”
I made a face at her and covered my ears “Oh my God. I can never un-hear that… and now my mind’s working overtime!” I cringed and made a gagging sound.
“Bek!” She laughed “Oh, and Nikita checked in on me just before I showered. Said, she thought we were babalas, so she figured it was best that we sleep in”
Such a caring mother she was, I thought sarcastically.
“Anyway, she only came in to let us know that they were spending the afternoon at Gregory’s sister’s house. She asked if we wanted to come, but I told her we already had plans”
I quirked a brow at that.
“Yeah, you’re coming with me.”
What in the ass?
“Why… would I do that?”
She suddenly became very interested in the hairs of her blending brush.
“I’m not leaving you here by yourself, so you’ll just have to come with me.”
I blinked a couple of times and tried to form words, but failed. Miserably. I remember her telling me once, that I was acting just like our mother had after Pa died but, that was months ago. I was better now. I was putting in the effort; I’ve made friends, I was out, having fun…How could she not see that as progress? How could she still have the same fear, when I’ve already come such a long way from where I had been all those months ago?
“Micah said he didn’t mind you tagging along. He's picking us up at 3”
“I’m not about to be a third wheel on your date, Katherine. Sorry.”
“But you don't have to be. You and Alex made peace. He could come too and you guys could keep each other compa—”
“Absolutely, not!”
“Kara, please—”
“No! I… I’ll visit my new friend!”
Her eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly hid it. It was too late though; I had already seen it.
“Teresa? Okay… Okay, Yes! Did you call to tell her you were coming over?”
“Yes.” I lied
She narrowed her eyes.
“Whose phone did you use?”
“That’s what I thought” She said, dryly. “Don’t worry about it, I got Wesley’s number. Just phone him and ask him to give you Terry’s number"
“Yeah…” I really didn’t want to call Wesley though. He'd acted way too weird at the club last night, after I spoke to Alex. Katherine offered me her phone but I pushed it back into her hand. “You phone him. I need to shower and I don't want us to be late”
She shrugged and busied herself on her phone. I hopped off the counter and stripped off the oversized T-shirt I usually slept in.
“Hey Wes— Oh, Chloe? Hi…”
I spun around and gave her a questioning look. Katherine had her phone to her ear and looked just as confused as I was.
“So, is Wesley nearby? This is his number, yes? …Ooh, he’s in the shower” She repeated and made her eyes wide “Oh my God” She mouthed.
“—uh huh…. Oh, nah, Kara wanted to know if she could get Terry’s number and so I said I'd phone him to get it for her. Do you mind sending it to me real quickly? …You’re a star… okay, thanks so much! bye.” She ended the call and made her eyes wide “Wes and Chloe?! Did you know about this?!”
“I guess.” I shrugged. “I could tell  there was something going on between them”
She frowned in confusion. “And here I thought he was eyeing you”
I made a face at her “Why would you think that?”
“He kept staring at you with this look on his face. Especially when you were dancing with Monroe”
I rolled my eyes at her.
“Delusional, much?”
“Whatever you say, sister"

Falling To Pieces #1 (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now