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It was Christmas Eve at Hogwarts and the castle was filled with joy and excitement.

Hermione was up in her room, packing to go spend Christmas break with her family. She was diligently folding her clothes and arranging her wide range of books in her trunk. As she finished packing, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It was Oliver.

"Merry Christmas Eve, Hermione," Oliver said.

"Merry Christmas Eve to you as well," Hermione replied.

Oliver pulled out something from behind his back. It was a present for Hermione.

"I wanted to make sure to give you this before you left. I made sure to set an alarm so I could wake up early and everything," Oliver said, handing her the present.

Hermione's eyes widened as she hadn't expected anyone at Hogwarts to get her a gift, let alone Oliver.

"Oh, Oliver, you really didn't have to get me anything. Thank you so much," she replied, looking at the present beaming with excitement.

"Well, go ahead and open it unless you know some magic gift opening spell," Oliver said with a playful smile.

Hermione opened the gift and saw a big twelve-thousand-page journal along with a huge jar of ink and a quill. "I remember you always saying you loved writing, so I got you this. Hopefully, you like it," Oliver said with a nervous smile.

"I love it," Hermione said. "I actually got you something as well," she continued, opening her trunk.

"I was going to stop by your room and give it to you before I left, but you saved me the trip, so thanks," Hermione said, taking out a book from her trunk.

She handed the book to Oliver. "The Encyclopedia of Enchantments," Oliver read out loud.

"This book has twenty thousand spells in it, and you can practice all of them. I thought it would be a good gift since you were raised in the Muggle world like me and have no idea what you're doing. I'll even help you when I get back," Hermione said.

"Oh, cool, thank you, Hermione,” Oliver said, reaching into his pockets. “I actually got you another gift as well." He pulled out a hairbrush, continuing, "It's this thing called a hairbrush. Please use it; I can barely see your face."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said as she started walking towards the door. "Have a good Christmas, Oliver."

"You too, Hermione," Oliver laughed.

Hermione got halfway down the stairs when she suddenly stopped. She turned back around and started walking towards Oliver. Oliver thought she was about to hit him for getting her a hairbrush.

Looking at her with a hint of fear in his eyes and preparing to be smacked, Hermione planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, truly," Hermione whispered in his ear before walking down the stairs and leaving.

"Uh... You're welcome," Oliver said a little bit flustered.

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