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Crowd of students, already gathered outside, were all talking, some guys running around like kids, hot girls taking pictures and so much more.
Alec and I stood dazed at everything.
They are all rich kids from all around the world, and “the hell of an experience i’m going to see here” I thought.
A beautiful middle aged woman, average height, natural tan skin and a clear brown eyes with a huge glasses on her face. “I think she might be African or maybe British African to be precise,because of her accent”
To be honest, Africans are very beautiful,
“Please, all new and transferring students, should be seen at the main hall now, for the principal’s opening address “she called
A young female final year student, led us all to the large hall, situated at the south wing of the school building.
The hall is heavily decorated with lights, balloons ecetera ecetera. Alec and I sat at the far end corner of the hall to avoid publicity.
“One thing, I hate most is publicity, not that I am of the shy type, I just don’t like it”.
The principal, a short plumpy man, with a protruded stomach, walked up the podium and started his speech, “Welcome new student of this beautiful year, as you all know, prince academy is a citadel of learning for the serious minded only, and I will be pleased to believe you all are from well behaved household. I will not be tolerating any barbaric attitude from any one of you. Please, drugs are
banned, so do not let any form of drugs be seen on you. Your year head, will relate the rest of the rules and regulations of the school to you. And lastly, I will like to formally welcome you fresher’s to a welcome party this weekend. So once again welcome”.
A round of deafening applause is being heard after the principal’s opening speech.
I am not a fresher, I am a transfer student,for grade 11,so I will not be attending the party.
We were all arranged according to our various classes and our different class teachers came to call out the registers to know which class you belong to.
Alec is being allocated to year 2 class B and I to year 2 class C. “Haha, I really don’t want to be in the same class with Alec, what a pain in the ass.
The same young female senior, came to show, we girls to our various dormitories.
My room is very spacious and fancy” I think it’s the girls living here”
“Its a four room compartment, and there are already three girls living here already, with you making it four “the senior said
“Thank You very much “I said smiling
“Hmm” she nods a little, searching me with her black eyes and then she left.
I saw a vacant room, with the door lying open “I suppose that’s mine “
I began unpacking and after two hours, I was done. I went to the utility teacher to collect my uniforms and other resources. “Hmm, the uniform is not that bad, it’s cute”
Prince academy uniform for girls is a short grey pleated skirt, white long sleeves, grey straight tie, black shoes and a jacket.
“But I don’t like wearing school jackets” “so I won’t be wearing it much”
When I got back, I saw two of my roommate already back from class.
“Hi, my name is Charlotte, and this is mia”
“Oh, hello, my name is maria but u can call me Mari for short”
“Nice to meet you” Mia said
“But I think i’m going to go with Maria, Mari is just too um’ how should I put it, fake” Mia said with a smirk on her lips
"What" I thought
“Ah, you are right nobody even calls me Mari” I said smiling awkwardly
“Its almost time for dinner go
change, will wait, I suppose you don’t know the dinning area yet” Charlotte said
“OK, thanks” I said before leaving
for my room
After changing into a nice beige transparent short gown, I came out, saw them talking about something I didn’t quite pick,
“OMG, are you going to a
clubhouse or are you going to flirt with the entire school”mia said laughing so hard as if her life depends on it
“Don’t mind her Maria, she’s just
jealous, I think you are okay like
this” Charlotte said smiling
“Are you sure or should I go get changed “I asked worried
“Its okay, it just dinner no body is going to notice, besides, its not that transparent, I think its because of the colour” Charlotte reassuringly
“OK, if you say so”
“Alright, let’s get going or we’ll miss the best part of the food”

When we got to the dinning area, it was already jam packed with student already.
Charlotte took us to her personal table in the cafeteria,not that it her’s, but she always sits there, that why it her personal table space you know. we sat and mia volunteered to get our meal.
“Wow, so many student “I said “Yeah, right, everyone here are so fucking proud, I advice you to steer
clear to avoid embarrassing yourself “
“um, Thanks, I’ll consider that” “Oh my gosh, I almost forgot Alec “I said searching worriedly for him in the room
“Who’s Alec, your boyfriend “Charlotte asked
“No, my twin brother, but we aren’t identical “
“Oh my! “Charlotte exclaimed looking elated
“I always have a thing for twins, and right now, one is my friend already “
“FRIEND, so fast”I thought
I giggled, still looking around for Alec
After a while, mia came with our order of mutton, salad, cheesecake and a box of mango juice ‘my favorite ‘.
“What took you so long “Charlotte complained with a frown etched up
her face
“Sorry, I saw a new guy at the counter, he looks so much like you” mia said facing me
“Where is he” I asked looking impatient.
“Hey, chill, don’t know you like boys so much “mia commented rolling her eyes
Shaking my head angrily, l said “he’s my brother, like twin brother “
“Holy sh!t, you are a twin “mia asked giggling
“Awwwn, he’s so cute, does he have a girlfriend “
“I don’t know “l said rudely Glaring, Mia said “No need to be overly protective, l have a boyfriend already”
“Gosh, I don’t like her”I said in my head
“Whatever, I‘ll see him tomorrow
besides the vanity to dress up
“First day of class,you don’t want to look messy I bet”
Now thinking about it, I think I might find myself in the league of pretty girls.
“Maria Noseworthy” that’s me, long
blonde hair, up to my waist, my mom really took great effort in making me maintain it, pale blue eyes, I got that from my father, he’s British, while my mom is Norwegian.
Dad moved to New york, cause of
his work and he met mother there, but they later stayed in bergen Norway, because my mother is from there and there they started a family.
My dad’s line of work is law. He’s
a lawyer by profession. He works under powers’ law firm, but he later rises up to an elite lawyer, where he became the professional lawyer to orange group of companies in New york.


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