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After a long winter, filled with sadness, joy finally came back to each our lives! All student of prince academy, most especially grade 12, were very busy and splendid ahead of the upcoming graduation.
All student can be seen preparing for the passing out of lovely teenagers on to the real world.
Mia, meg and I, prepared our speech carefully, Alec also prepared his. We invited father and Margaret to grace this memorable occasion.
It’s been long since I saw them, I miss them!.
On the day of graduation.........
The school hall was jam packed with all and sundry. Various guest from all works of life, and also the mayor.
The principal commenced the ceremony with an address, and also invited several other guests to the podium.
The time for all graduating students to give a speech and collect their diplomas arrived.
We all went according to your name, when your name is called, you go up to the podium and collect your certificate, snap a picture with the vice counsellor, and give a brief speech, before coming back down.
I’m so excited, my name got called out “maria Noseworthy please, you have our attention” the vice counsellor called out.
Everyone in the audience clapped as I walked up to the platform.
Wearing a very bright smile, I collected my certificate while snapping with the vice counsellor.
Time to give my speech, I looked at Andrew where he sat smiling at me with his shinning white teeth, I smiled back, took a deep breath and started, “As you all heard, my name is maria Noseworthy, a student of prince academy grade 12,I am so honored to be here today and I will like to say a big thank you to my father and my Margaret who has always been like a mother to me. And also the teachers and my favourite teacher miss Chloe Allot, she isn’t just a teacher, but a strong positive influence on me, she helped me alot with my studies and personal issues,
and also the school nurse, she is very dedicated at her job, and strive to help any way she can, I also want to use this medium to thank my friends, that has always been there for me, during difficult times and happy times, they are like the sisters, I never had, and they gave me the privileged of enjoying real friendship and love apart from my family. Though, no friendship is perfect, we do have conflict sometimes, but we make extraordinary effort to apologised and resolve any problems, if given a chance to choose a friend again, i will still choose you three, sadly though,one is no longer with us, you all are the best. When you here the name Noseworthy, I know it sounds very funny and weird, well it is” the audience laughed, I continued
“I lost a good friend also, during my stay in this school,I still feel very hurt and broken, and I miss her” I said emotionally, tears already at the rim of my eyes
“She was the very first friend I
had here, and it hurts so much to not see her here, she always looked forward to this day, and she’s not here anymore" tears dropped freely from my eyes "I lost my mom, few years back and I know what it feels like to not see a person you talk to, laugh with and play with today, and not see them tomorrow or the years to come. We are all imperfect, we have our flaws, I have my flaws and I try to work on them everyday to be a better person in life. you know, this life we all are living, there is nothing, we are all going to die sooner or later, we work so hard, but death ends it all. Life is a journey,

we fall, we get back up, we lose some very dear ones, along the way, and as we are about to graduate now and enter into the real world, I want to wish you all good luck and success, and hope that at the end of this journey, I will see you again. “
I ended my speech, everyone
gave a deafing applauds.
We took turns taking pictures, the whole class of 2021,took a picture together.
“Say one, two, cheeese” we snapped while throwing our hats happily.
I stood outside, breathing in the cool air, I looked up, smiled, and said
“I am ready”.



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