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“You know what maria, why don’t you give yourself the privileged of asking him,i’m not Andrew obviously, uh, how ‘bout that? “David said sarcastically
“I rolled my eyes and hissed
loudly saying
“Can’t you just say, you don’t know “
“Let’s go maria, he’s just jealous “meg said scornfully
We sat at a wooden bench enjoying the fresh cool evening breeze and looking up the sky
“There’s no stars tonight “meg said
“Have you done your assignment “I asked meg
“Which assign.............
Before meg could finished her question, we heard a loud scream besides the lake, everyone rushed to the scene.
There was a girl floating in the water, Frightened, each person asking “What happened “
“Who is that” “Is she dead”
They brought her out, and behold........
“isn’t that Erica? “Is she dead? “ “Who is that? “
A senior checked to confirm, before screaming,
“She is dead!”
“Party’s over everybody, someone go call dormitory master, be fast!” Shocked and frighten, we all walked really fast to the school, some running, mostly so the dormitory master doesn’t see and recognize you.
Back in the room....
“Did Erica drown or someone drowned her” meg asked still frighten
“I don’t know...., I don’t know meg” I said shaking
“Is there a murderer in the school?”
“I hope not”
“Where’s mia and Charlotte,” “Didn’t they leave, i’m not sure they were in the party”
“Erica’s father won’t take it
lightly with the school, I pray it doesn’t turn to something big”
“Yea, right?? I pray so also”
The next day.....
The whole school was quiet as a graveyard, nobody said a word. The police are already investigating and Erica’s body taken to a morgue.
“ The principal looked so
dejected” I said
“Yeah, I wonder how he is going to answer to the school management and Erica’s parents. He might lose his job”
“Hmm, probably “
Teachers came to teach quietly, no shouting or mean curses on students.
At lunch..............
“Where is Charlotte and mia, I still haven’t seen them, did they leave school to town? “I asked
“That is there business, we should be more worried about a killer on the loose”
“Yeah, I know, but that is the police job not ours”
“I will never go to a school underground party ever again” meg
“Same with me, I almost didn’t wanted to come”
Later that evening in our room.....
“The police said they found a broken heel few yards away from the crime scene,”mia said entering the room and shutting the door
“Really, who knows whose shoes is that”
“Where did you go to mia?”
“I was with the cute guy from the party,in his room”
“You didn’t come to class today” Giggling Mia said” s€x so good, we had to miss class “
“Oh, you’re so disgusting “ “Don’t preach to me maria, like you
are a saint yourself,”mia said rolling her eyes with a frown on her face
“Well i'm not a saint, no one can be a saint, but you won’t see me sleeping
and missing class with every cute boy i see in school, that’s disgusting” I said
“How did you know something happened? “meg asked
“I have my sources, don’t ask me any more questions, i’m going to bed, i’m so tired” she said entering her room and locking the door shut.
“yeah, i’m tired also “ “Hmm, same, i’m exhausted goodnight “I said “Goodnight “
Charlotte came early the next morning, wearing a tank top and track pants.
“Where have you been Charlotte, we last saw you at the party”
“Yeah, I’ve been with my boyfriend” “The whole day? “
“uh, can you just stop interrogating me, I don’t answer to you maria” Charlotte said angrily
“I am not interrogating you, there’s a murder in school, and i’m just worried” “Its okay, you don’t have to worry about me”
“Alright, no problem “I said with a straight face
“Meg, can we go to class already “I yelled out
“Just a minute, i’m almost done “

Days turns into weeks and weeks into months. Its June, spring is over, and now in summer, end of the semester and student can be seen parking and leaving for the summer holiday.
I waited outside for Alec to come meet me at the gate, our ride will be arriving shortly.
Its 8:35am, “where is Alec, we don’t want to miss our flight”I said with a frown
Shortly after, Alec came with his luggages. At exactly 9:05am our ride came, we entered and zoomed off to the airport.
We arrived, back home at 4:15 pm, father was drinking his late afternoon ginger tea on the balcony.
“FATHER” I waved happily
He saw us and waved backed, smiling like a little child.
“Oh, I miss father.
The holiday went by smoothly and pleasantly, we had lots of fun, went to the city’s fair, shopping for new clothes, house wares and utensils, trying new food and last but not the least changing my hair cut.
Alec changed his too, last thing you want to be seen in a new class year with the same old hair cut. I cut off my long hair to a bob and dyed it brown, dad didn’t mind, but Margaret wasn’t happy about it.
I just wanted to feel cute and aesthetic and also to compliment the autumn season coming up.
Time moved so fast and September is here....
School is resuming next week, I wonder if they have caught Erica’s killer. I checked the school ig page, there’s no news like that. Maybe they still haven’t yet.

Two days before resumption, Alec and I packed our bags, ready to leave for the airport.
*Muaahh*i’’ll miss you so much father”I said as I kissed father goodbye.
“My baby, i’ll miss you more, be careful alright, your school is no more safe” Alec hugged dad and father patted him on his back
“Be good my boy”
“Of course, i’m always good “ “No you’re not, you’re very
mischievous,”I said jokingly
We all laughed, I kissed Margaret good bye also.
Our ride came,and off we went, leaving father and Margaret staring at our van with a longing smile.


Maria NoseworthyWhere stories live. Discover now