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“Who knows maths here” I asked “Um, I do, not so much though, “Elliot said,
“That’s okay”
“What about you Andrew “
He did not say a word, just flipping through the books.
Angrily I yelled, “Hey freak show, I don’t have the time to mummy you, this is not your house, this is a school, whatever is your f**king problem, keep it at home, we need this test done now and I don’t give a f**k who you are, you hear me, what nonsense!”
Surprised he took a very good
look at me,
“shhh” you are not supposed to yell at a library “Elliot said
Meg just sat there and laughed so hard quietly.
“For symmetric graph, you have to solve the math first “ he said
“Finally, thank you, that is all we ask,...  now how do we solve it, cause I do not know maths, but I have an ideal or two” I said
We worked the test together as a team, Andrew did not say much, but he cooperated and we arrived at a considerable progress.
“Thank you everyone, we will continue tomorrow “meg said happily.

At our room...................
“I really liked what you did back there? Meg said laughing
“Did you see his face, don’t mind him, he thinks he’s a prince, prince my @ss” she said still laughing
“I don’t like the fact, his nonchalant attitude almost made us fail” I said rolling my eyes
“Hmm, yeah “
“Anyway, that Elliot is cute” meg said
“Yes, he is” I said smiling “And he is nice too” Meg said
“What, don’t tell me fell for him already “I said with a smirk

“Ha ha ha, not yet, i’m still watching him”
“Okay, good night”
“Nighty night” meg said playing with her phone on the couch
I left for my room, I called father, to check up on him,
“Bye, love you dad”.....
I dropped the phone, No, I picked it up again, went to ig to check for update about Erica’s murder, nothing yet.
I got a text from Meg
*hey, are you sleeping already * Smiling I said *no
*can you come with me to town on Saturday, my aunt is having her girls
night here in London”
*meg, you know the last time we went to a party....
*no, this is a responsible party, no alcohol or boys, just girls sleepover
*do you have a school pass
*how? I asked surprised
*that is not what we are talking about, please come, she said with a crying emoji
*smiling emoji
*laughing sticker
*more laughing stickers
And so it continues on and on.....
Next day in class........
Someone tapped me from the back in between lectures, I turned,
“I solved the maths yesterday......
here” Andrew said hestatingly Surprised I said, taking the book,
“oh, all of it? “ “Yes”
Elliot surprised also said” really, let me see” taking the book from me
“Woah, you are a nerd mate” he said smiling
“Awwn, that’s so nice of you, we finished super early, i’m so happy “meg said
“Did you spend all night solving it” I asked worried
“I couldn’t sleep, so I just decided to keep myself busy” he said
“That’s sweet” I said smiling He smiled awkwardly back, I
don’t think he knows how to smile or maybe he felt weird.
“Thank you” I said
He did not say anything else.
When everyone else was busy with their test, meg and I were enjoying our free time.
Friday came we submitted our work, also with the class.
On Monday is the result day. Meg and I talked about her aunt,
her family and the long awaited tomorrow.
On Saturday we arrived at Judy hotel for her aunt's night out.
“ room 204 please”
“Your name? “ the receptionist asked
“Megan Turner”
“Alright, here is the passcode for room 204,thank you”
We arrived at the room, met Meg’s aunt, and her friends.
We had a great day, night came and so we talked, watch great shows and eat.“Please Maria dear, can you go collect the pizza downstairs,the
hotel doesn’t allow delivery in” “No problem “
I went downstairs to collect the pizza boxes, and guess who I saw, “Isn’t that Mia “I said to myself
“What is she doing here”
“I followed her quietly, she and a guy, I did not see his face, entered a room on the fourth floor.
Quickly, I went to our room, I dropped the boxes, and told meg what I saw,
“Are you sure that’s her, it might be anybody “ Meg said
“Meg, do I look like i’m blind, that was her just now” I said rolling my eyes
“Alright, let’s go confirm “
We left the room to Mia’s room, Knock knock.....
No response, knock knock....
David came out angrily.....
“Yes who the f.......
Surprised, “oh, David what are you doing here “ Meg asked
“I should ask you that first? “He said with a frown
“Where’s Mia” I asked
Shocked he said” how did you know that, are you stalking us”
“No I just saw you on the lobby just now”
Mia came out, wearing only a lingerie, “And what are you two doing here”
“We came for a night out with my aunt, what are you two doing here? “ “Mia, I did not know you are making out with David, I thought you said you have a boyfriend “I said laughing
Frowning she said” why don’t you two losers mind your f**king business “
“Hmm, you are such a cheap sl*t “meg said smiling
Mia banged the door loudly at us, we
both laughed so hard,
“Better be careful before you have an infection “I said
We laughed so hard to our rooms,
“So this is why, we never see Mia “ “Yes, it is, what about Charlotte? “
Giving me a smirk meg said “we will find out soon maria, we will find out soon”
We enjoyed the rest of the evening with Meg’s aunt at Judy hotel without sighting Mia again, we did not bother spying her or talking to her again, that will be stalking, we minded our business, as Mia said we should, we were planning on doing that anyway.

On Monday at class.........
“Result are out” Mr Williamsburg said, sharing our results
We got an A+ in our group, meg and I screamed joyfully at our results.
“ The first time i’m getting an A+ in math” meg said
“Me too”
We thanked Andrew again for it and he just nods
Elliot was happy too.
Sophia group got a C, she was very furious, blaming everyone on her group.
She saw us talking happily at our results, she scoffs and said “I should have been in that group not this useless group i’m in”

At lunch, Sophia came to me and said,
“You shouldn’t be happy at that score, someone else worked for”
“Well, it is my group and all efforts are brought in, Andrew solving it doesn’t make me unworthy of getting it, it is a group work and obviously i’m
entitled to it Sophia, I don’t know what you are implying here” I said with a straight face eyeing her
“You are so rude for a rat like you” “I do not want to fight sophia, so I will pretend I did not just hear the f**k you just said “
“Hmm! We’ll see “She said and cat walked away.

School closed as usual for the day.
Back in the room, I told meg what happened between Sophia and I.
“She’s just a spoilt girl, I will really love if parents stop spoiling their kids too much, it affecting other people “meg said pouting
“Yes, you are right”
Mia stopped talking to us, we didn’t mind, besides she should keep her bad influence to herself.
The next day at school, it is October and its quite chilly already.

Meg and I got to class, as usual, the history teacher teached, mid class, I excuse myself to the restroom.
Before the girls restroom door, unknowing to me, there was a pooh, and I stepped on it.
“Ewww, who put this here, its disgusting “I said covering my nose from the offensive odour
I got into the restroom pulled my shoe, took it to the faucet to wash it, “Oh, I forgot I wanted to pee”
I quickly entered the cubicle to pee, as I was peeing, lots of ice cold water poured mightly on me from up.
“What!, who is that! “
Girls giggled, dropped buckets and ran away.


Maria NoseworthyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora