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We arrived at school later close to evening, some students are already here, but not all have resumed.
I went to my room,
Charlotte is already here!
“Hey baby, happy resumption “Charlotte said grinning
“I miss you” I said with a wide smile.
We hugged each other tightly and
spent the rest of the evening talking about the summer.
Meg came the next morning, and Mia,in the afternoon.
“Wow, is that my cutesy princess, I love your hair” Mia said excitedly
Mia also changed her hair style to a blonde short wavy hair.
While meg retouch her hair and packed it to a bun, Charlotte still kept her straight black hair.
“Charlotte why did you not have an haircut? “I asked
“Didn’t feel like” she said happily “You are unusually happy this semester” meg said laughing
“Of course, i am very happy!” Sunday past, with students still resuming and getting ready for tomorrow.
The next day...............
I woke up at 6 Am, I really used the holiday to practice and regulate my sleeping time. And it paid off.
I got ready, so also the girls, we set out for breakfast,
“Its so sad not seeing Erica here” Charlotte said
“I’m not sad about it, but I am not happy she was killed” Mia said "Yeah"
We each departed for class, Class is so busy, everyone’s talking, laughing, hugging each
Andrew was already sitting, as usual, quiet with an airpod reading an online book. He looks so beautiful, with a clean haircut, the same style with last semester, but he looks more handsome now.
Sophia and her girls is sitting on our seat admiring Andrew,
“New semester Sophia, I thought you will change” Meg said
She giggled and got up to stand besides Andrew, she removed a piece of his pod and whispered audibly,

“I have something for you”
He looked at her with a piercing gaze, I bet Sophia almost lost her breath there and said nothing.
Sophia quickly fix the pod back on his ears.
I chucked lightly, as we sat down.
Class begins with miss Allot addressing us for the new semester.
“Welcome everyone, its been a lovely summer, i’m sure you all enjoyed it “
“There’s another transfer student please, class, let’s all welcome Elliot Peterson “
A tall handsome fake tanned guy entered the class and greeted,
“Hello everyone, my name is Elliot Peterson, I hope to be welcomed here”he said smiling showing his pearly white teeth
“You are welcome “the class said unisonly
“You can go sit with Andrew at the back” miss Allot said
He walked up to the last seat, and sat down.
Class begins at full force, all the teachers came to teach each to their subjects.
“Class is over everyone, don’t forget to prepare for the group project tomorrow “ Mr williamburg yelled out as students were leaving the class
“Why is he always yelling, we are not deaf” someone said not too loud
Meg and I went straight to our room,
“Which project is Mr willamburg talking about “meg asked
“Hmm, is that graph work” “What is that” meg asked “Haha, are you kidding “I said laughing
“No seriously, what is graph”
“Is that a math?” she asked Surprised, I said with a straight
“So how did you reach this class” “I cheat” she said laughing hysterically
“Oh, “
“Well then, tomorrow you will know what a graph is” I said ending the discussion.
The next day............
“We have Mr Williamsburg, double class next” the class monitor said
It is the boy, Mr Williamsburg appointed as his class monitor, we all just refer to him as the class monitor anyway, he does it well.
“Always forcing maths on us” a boy said grumpily, I laughed at the statement.
“Class please greet Mr Williamsburg” he said standing up
“Good morning, Mr Williamsburg

He is basically the only teacher in
school that is being greeted. Not that it is wrong, non of us are used to it.
“Morning class, today, I will be assigning everyone to groups for the math test”
“Alright, the first two seats at the first row, the third and fourth and just like that........
It got to our seat, “ the second to last and last”
Meg and I, Andrew and Elliot were in a group.
“Alright you all each do a symmetric graph work for the test, any group that doesn’t carry it out accordingly will fail, you hear me!”
  “Yes Mr Williamsburg “
“Thank you, I will be expecting the work on Friday “

At lunch...................
“Hello my name is meg and this is maria” meg said exchanging an handshake with Elliot
“Hey, nice to meet you”
He smiled at me, and I smiled back.
“Andrew, so how are we doing the test? “Meg asked
He did not respond. “Okay,
let’s meet at the library later “meg said
At the library..................
We all sat down with some maths book already arranged at the table by meg and I,



Maria NoseworthyWhere stories live. Discover now