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I wore my undies, soaking wet and very cold, I opened the door,met four empty buckets lying on the floor, I wanted to stay for the water on my uniform to reside, but as time went by I was freezing, I quickly left without my shoes, bare feet and cold, I walked to the infirmary,at the ground floor, but to go there, I will have to pass some classes, also my class.
I passed by classes, everyone staring right at me, even the teachers, I passed by my class, i didn't bother to raise my eyes to see, who's looking, I heard people laughing, "did she go to bathe"
meg screamed "maria! "
She ran out holding me and said "oh my God, what happened to you"
This time my teeth were already clasping, I could barely talk,
"Oh, my God, you are freezing"she said almost in tears, "let's get you to the infirmary " She led me back to the infirmary, the nurse surprised,with the assistance of meg, quickly, turned on the heater, helped me change my clothes, dried me, and gave me cold injection immediately, I laid back down on the bed to rest.
Meg stayed with me for some time, before going back to class.
I laid at the infirmary for the rest of the day until evening. The nurse checked me again to make sure, I was okay, before sending me off wearing a thick coat. She did not ask what happened, apparently, she has frequent cases like this almost everyday.
Meg came over to assist me later after class,
"You will not be going to school tomorrow and the next, drink your medicine, don't skip it. I will report sick leave for you to the school authority, alright "
"Thank you" "You're welcome "
I stayed in my room to recover at the allotted time the nurse gave me, I recovered well.
I started class again on Monday, the next week, I entered the class and everyone stared at me, I pretended not to notice.
I sat down and Olivia said,
"First it was her period, and now she bathed at the restroom "
Some students laughed,
I looked out the window, it is almost winter, the trees are withering, I stare at the trees sad.
"You don't have to be sad about it "someone said
I turned back and it was Andrew, also staring at the trees.
"Oh...., thank you, i'm very sad about it"I said
"I know, it is normal to be sad about it, its not a pleasant experience, but you don't have to let the sadness linger for too long, they don't have the right to dictate when you should be sad or happy, it depends on you, will you let them win? "
"Hmm, you are right, I will think
about that"I said giving him a sad smile
Class went on as usual.........
October passed November is here. At lunch we ate, cheese burger,
sprite and French fries.
"Is there tomatoes in it"I asked "No"meg said
Charlotte asked "why?, you don't eat tomatoes? "
"No, i'm allergic to it"
"Wow, 've never heard of it before"
"Hmm, it's rare"
We ate lunch together, I did not feel anything until, I got to the room, I was feeling hot though, but I just thought it was the sweater.
On the room, I started feeling itchy, hot, and uncomfortable.
Scratching my neck I asked"By chance, is there any tomatoes in that burger earlier? "
"I told you no, I saw the woman serving it with my two eyes, no tomatoes, are you feeling anything?"meg said
"No, it justs feels somehow"
"Maybe you are tired, go rest" "Hmm okay"
I slept early because of the way I felt. In the middle of the night, I woke up super sweaty and very itchy, I was feeling nausea and my temperature is
very high.
I struggled to get up, I opened my door, I knocked weakly at Charlotte door, no response, I knocked at Meg's door, still no response, I knocked at Mia's door, I knocked again,
"Who is that? "She called grumpily
I said weakly "Mia, please help me" "What is it again! You want to rain
curses on me in the middle of the night right?
"No, please hel...... "I fell to the ground
With the corner of my eyes, I blurly saw Mia open the door, but she was talking, but I could not hear what she said, before finally passing out.
I woke up at the hospital. Opening my eyes slowly, "Huh, where am I? "
"It's okay maria, you are at the city's
hospital "Charlotte said
"What happened to me? "
"You fainted at my door yesterday morning "Mia said
"Yesterday? Did I sleep that long? "I said surprised
"You had an allergic reactions "meg said sobbing quietly
"Huh? "
"The doctor said you have a tomato allergy and you ate tomatoes "Charlotte said
"Your body was very red, when we came to the hospital "Mia said "I'm so sorry maria, I saw when
the cafeteria lady was preparing your lunch that day, I specifically told her no tomatoes, I did not see when she added tomatoes"meg said crying
"My negligence almost killed you
"its okay meg, its not your fault,stop thinking about it"I said
"It must have been a mistake, its not anyone's fault okay, stop blaming yourself "I said trying to console her
"Try and get some rest, the doctor jabbed you and also gave you some iv drips"Charlotte said pointing to the needle injected on my hands
"Alright, get better, i'm leaving, its dark already, i'll come see you tomorrow "Charlotte said waving goodbye
"Who's coming? "
"I'll come with you "meg said standing up and cleaning her teary eyes
"Bye" "Mia? "
"No, I will stay with maria for the night" mia said
"Okay, meg let's go "
They left, "why did you not follow them"I asked
"No, just wanted to make sure you are okay, and keep you company " Smiling I said"thanks"
"Are you still mad at us"I asked
"No, but i'm not happy with you two for insulting me like that at Judy"
"But you know what you did was wrong right"
"It's not anyone's business the way I live my life, but yes, you are right, it is wrong "
"Do you have a boyfriend? " "Yes, not here, back at home" "Do you still love him"
"I do"
"Do you think he will be happy, with the way you are living your life? "
Taking a deep breath, she said"no" "He's he worth it? "
"Yes, he is, I love him so much, I don't want to lose him"
"Is David worth it? "
Scoffing she said,"that pr!ck?, of course not"
"What about your dignity, all the boys will view you as a cheap whore, they slept with, like a trophy, do you like that" Swallowimg, she said "no I don't "


Maria NoseworthyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum