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“I can’t waste my life and the life of the other past scholars to build this great school, for some thawt to tarnish,”he said
“Mr Phillip, she could have died!
“another female staff said “And so what! What’s special
about her life than this great school, is she the first person to die!”he said angrily
The school staffs graps in horror
for what the principal just said. “You are expelled! “
“Get out of my office! Now! “ “Mr Phillip you......... “ the other
tried to say something, I walked out of the room.
Miss Allot followed me outside, “I’m so sorry maria, it’s not your fault, don’t go yet, maybe the principal will change his mind, okay? “
I nod and walked away dejectedly, I hold myself for as long as I could, immediately I left the building, the cold air rushed to my face, heavy tears gushed out of my eyes. I tried suppressing the mumbled sound following it, but the more I tried, the harder I cried.
I walked down to the dormitory building, Andrew was waiting outside for me, I walked to him, crying loudly, he hugged me so tight and told me “its okay”. “Everything will be alright, trust me”
Words could not form in my mouth, only crying sound, he let me cry as much as I could before leading me to
sit at a bench in the compound.

“What did the principal say” he asked
Sniffing I said” he expelled me, he said he doesn’t care if I lived, I brought shame to the school, I should never have reported Sophia to the whole school or call the police”
He gave me a warm hug again and said
“You did the right thing, don’t ever feel guilty about it, your life is very precious, don’t ever let anyone bring you down, okay?they don’t have the right to tell you what to do”
Taking a deep breath I said “thank you, I have to pack my bags, i’m expelled”.
“Pack what bags? Please don’t pack yet, wait until tomorrow, can you do that for me? “ he asked looking into my eyes lovingly
I felt calm, and loved, all of a sudden,
seeing those pretty eyes searching me.
Smiling he said” thank you”.
I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, the girls, tired to stop some students from entering our room to interview me.
“Oh, my God, they’re so nosey “ meg said frustratingly
“I’m tired already “mia said “Hmm, so what are you going to do now? “ Charlotte asked
“I don’t know yet” I said lowly “That Sophia is crazy, I watched it from the art teachers office “mia said
“What were you doing in the art teachers office, don’t you know he’s not safe, I heard he is taking drugs” Charlotte said
“Yeah, I believe you already, he act’s so psychotic “mia said
“Maria, when you made the plan, I never thought, she would do something like that, I thought maybe she will say a few things, do some mean acts, but never once, I thought Sophia could kill” meg said

“I can’t believe she almost killed you, just like that, and she would have painted it suicide, like the others”mia said
“Who knows if she is the one that killed Erica “meg said
“Yeah, maybe” Charlotte said
“I can’t believe, she went as far as investigating you to find your weakness, she’s a demon” meg said
I just listened as they talked about it, I looked out the window, it is snowing.
“Mr Phillip is so wicked, why did he expel you like that” meg said
“He is trying so hard to cover up atrocities in the school, that’s why “mia said
“I heard a rumor once, he is sleeping with Sophia, maybe that’s why?meg said
“I thought you said, the art teacher? “Charlotte asked
“Hmm, this is another rumor “ “Alright, let’s not speculate, we have more pressing matters to discuss like maria situation here” Charlotte said breaking the discussion to an abrupt end
Everyone kept quiet, nobody said a word again, Alec came over to symphatize with me.
“Dad, will be so freaked out, if he heard this, he will sue the school and sophia’s parents and cause an headline”
“He lose mom, he will not have
survived losing you too”
“My God, I hate this sh!t” Alec said angrily
“I feel like squeezing that witch of a girl” he said very angry digging his nail on his palm, bruising himself
“Hey, Alec, its okay” I said cupping his face and giving him a warm hug
He bust into trears, “I was super scared when I saw it was you, what will I have done if I lost you, you are like a mother to me, I can never bear that lose”
“You won’t lose me, never! “I said assuring him.
The next day............
I stayed at the room through out the morning, mia bought me food, the afternoon was very quiet, it appears nobody is in the dormitory, being it Saturday, it is very unusual.
“Oh, well,”I said to myself “maybe everyone is busy with something “.
At late afternoon, meg and Mia, came into the room happily, screaming out,
“Maria, come see, the principal has been fired, and you are no longer expelled! “
“What, really” I asked not believing
“Yes, of course” “Get up, come see for yourself”
We ran out happily to the school center, crowds of students already gathered watching as the principal is being led away by the school security.
I watched him packed his belongings in the school van ready to leave. The vice principal announced,
“Prince academy will be having a new principal next year at the spring section opening, for now the school authority has appointed the vice
principal as the acting principal for the mean time, the rules and regulations still remains intact and I will love everyone to obey them, but most importantly a law for bullying will be reviewed and added shortly, till then, on no account should any student be caught bullying a fellow student, any form of bullying should be reported immediately, you are all dismissed “
She gave her firm speech loudly for all to hear, students walked back to their various rooms, I waited to discuss with the acting principal.


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