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A fight broke out between
Charlotte and Erica. The two girls dragging each others hair. Nobody bothered to separate them, but continued watching the show. Until a student immediately reported the incident to the dormitory master.
The dormitory master came blowing a whistle for the girls to stop fighting.
“You three, to my office now!”he shouted
“Everyone to your rooms now, no dinner till tomorrow “
Everybody started leaving to their
various rooms.
“Why does it have to affect dinner” i’m already super tired and hungry.
I waited for everyone to leave,
before going to beg the kitchen staffs for some food.
Thankfully, they gave me buttered croissant, a boiled egg and soda. I thanked them and left for my room, thinking about what just happen at the cafeteria.

I felt really bad for mia,that Erica girl is the worst. I saw meg waiting outside for me
“Hey, you are still here” I asked
“Yeah, I don’t want to leave you all by yourself, though it a school, it very unsafe” meg said sadly
“How so?"
Sighing, she said “there’s one time a student got raped in the school “
“Oh my God, really, thanks, for waiting “I said surprised as we headed out for our room
“I feel really bad for mia and Charlotte, she’s going to get punished and that Erica of a thing is going to walk away freely” meg
“Really, why”I asked surprised “That’s the way it works, Erica’s family is more powerful than mia and Charlotte’s families combine “
“What does Mia’s family do “ “Her father is a bank manager in Australia, while Charlotte father is an upcoming politician”
“What about you “I asked
“Haha, my dad is the CEO of Trance enterprises in the US”
“Oh” I said
“What about you” meg asked
“ oh, umm, my father is an elite lawyer for orange group of
companies, also in the US “I said awkwardly
Back in the room...
I quickly freshen up, lay in my bed with my phone
“Its being long, I came online” I entered my Instagram page,
someone already added me into the school and class group page. Somebody posted a pic of Ashley Montes with Andrew Al rafq when they were younger with two thousand likes already in 30 seconds
“That was fast” I thought “Wow” they look so cute
together. He looks like a fairy prince with his bright hazel eyes and handsome face, while Ashley looks like his little fairy princess.
“Hmm”, I stared at the picture for God knows when before slowly drifting off to sleep.
Because of my hunger issues, I decided to set my alarm on six, to be early enough for breakfast, Ringing alarm....
“Oh..., extra five minutes please, “ Ringing alarm...
“er,”I woke up,
Dragging myself from the bed, with half sleepy eyes, I brushed my teeth, took a hot nice shower sat by the vanity to apply my body lotion and dressed up.
I came out around ten minutes to seven. But Meg isn’t out yet so I knocked at her door but she didn’t answer. After awhile she came out already dressed up
“Hey, I was almost worried, I knocked but you didn’t reply “ “Sorry, I was in the bathroom
“she replied Sluggishly
“OK, let’s go down for breakfast “ We met some few student already eating, we walked up the
counter to order some food. I ordered beans on toast, bacon and a cup of milkshake, meg also ordered beans on toast and a cup of cappuccino.
“They allow coffee for student? “I asked
“They don’t, its for teachers, but we student pay extra for coffee,you know” giving me a tug, “ but don’t let the principal catch you” she said naughtly
“I’m not much of a coffee lover anyway “
We ate our food quickly and we left for class.
The hall was jam packed with girls everywhere, screaming excitedly. We struggled our way together for the door. We managed to enter into the class.
*”Phew* oh my God, what is this, some concert show, ah ”meg said irritated. We saw some girls sitting on our seat
“Please, excuse, we are sitting here “
They glared at us and said rudely “wait! “
“With this dirty attitude of yours, i’m pretty sure he will never notice you “Meg said
“What did you say” one of the girls asked as she got up to retaliate
“Sorry, sorry, she’s not talking to you, No need to be angry, please” I replied immediately to save the situation
The girls glared at us before walking away rudely.
Andrew sat on his chair, with an air pod on, reading a physics textbook, not paying attention to everything that’s happening.
The bell rang and everyone
dissipated to there various classes. Miss Allot, our literature teacher, came to teach her first period of the
“This semester,we will be focusing on Othello by Shakespeare “
“Have any of you read it before?” “Can someone tell me why othello
killed this wife desdemona” she asked
“Miss, miss, oh miss” Emma raises her hands
“Yes Emma “
“Because her husband othello thought she was unfaithful “ “thank you Emma “
“But was she? “ asked miss Chloe
............. After miss Chloe's class, the maths teacher, Mr Williamsburg, came to teach.


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