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“Good evening ma” I greeted “Evening, you are maria, I supposed “
“Yes ma”
“You are one lucky girl, someone powerful enough to report directly to the minister of education, and authorize the immediate dismissal of
the school director, unfortunately the principal took the fall for it and reinstate you back as a student, who are you?”she said searching me
“A nobody” I said smiling, bowed and left her still standing there staring back at me.
I joined the girls back to the dom, we talked about what just happened,
“Wow, maria, she’s right, you are lucky, I wonder who helped you” meg said
“Hmm, I don’t know “I said surprised, even if I knew who it was.
I laughed thinking about it, we got to the room, changed for dinner.
The cafeteria was so crowed, it is winter, everyone came to drink a hot cup of tea to warm themselves most especially.
“Every time I come to the cafeteria, I always remember Erica, I didn’t like her one bit, but I’m still not happy she
died, but I don’t miss her “mia said “Hmm, it’s a bad thing having a
murderer in school, I hate that” meg said
“Well, she’s gone, there nothing we say, will bring her back” Charlotte said
“Oh, my God, maria, tell me, how you do it, how you fire the principal so fast? “ students came to ask me at our table
“Go away, we don’t entertain irrelevant gossip here” the girls said shooing them away.
I kept quiet through out. We ate and got back to our rooms.
The next day......
I went to wait for Andrew at his dom building very early in the morning, so I can see him, he leaves very early.
“Hey, good morning “I said waving
He smiled very brightly and said “good morning my dear, how are you feeling now? “
Giggling I said ”never been better”
We walked together, “um, I wanted to thank you, for what you did for me”
Holding my hands, he kissed it and said “don’t mention”
I smiled also, “I feel that is something I can do to help my love” he said
Surprised I said ”your love?, since when did we begin the relationship? “
“Since the day, the first snow fell” Laughing I said “what, but you never mentioned me being your girlfriend? “
“I’m not used to saying my feelings out, I just thought you will know eventually”
“You can’t do that, what if I never
knew” I said laughing
“You are smart, you would “
We talked and played about different stuffs till we got to the cafeteria for breakfast.
The winter passed so fast, and
Andrew and I love grew fast with it. Spring finally came and a new school years started.
We passed the promotional exam,
the girls and I passed to grade 12, the final year. There is more pressure this time for the upcoming final exams and graduation not too far off.
The semester moved happily, the
new principal, a woman, made sure to instill proper discipline in the school. Everyone behaved well, for fear of the new principal and the new laws concerning indiscipline in all areas.
Summer came blissfully, we
resumed in September for the second
semester. Everyone in year 12, is preparing frantically for the national exam.
We all wrote the exam in November, results will be coming out in February. I was super excited, finally i’m free! High school finally over, university here I come!.

**** Something very shocking,
unexpected and unbelievable till this day anytime I think about it, gives me shivers.
On November 26th 2021, days after our exams, the school woke up with a loud scream from a boy in the boys dormitory.
Every one rushed there, and we saw the unexpected......
Charlotte and Liam lying lifeless on the bed, with Charlotte holding Liam close to her bossom, resting her head
on his head like a mother holding a bady, blood gushing from their eyes, ear, nose and mouth.
A note on the bed, besides them, reads,
“I am sorry everyone, I know everyone will hate and curse me so much, I love Liam so much, and I couldn’t stand Erica touching him, he loves me so much too, Erica was standing between our love, and I planned with Liam to kill her, we organize a party that sunday, invited the whole school to cause a distraction, mid party I left my friends, to meet Liam, i invited Erica to come with me into the woods, i talked about our love to her, she was so angry, and we fought, I broke my heels, Liam came out of the shadows to assist me, he pushed Erica, she fell on her back, he dragged her to the waters, I walked to them, dragged
her by her hair and submerged her body inside the water, I tortured her to my enjoyment before finally drowning her, scared, Liam dragged me out of there before someone sees us, we left the school compound to recover at Liam’s family holiday house here in Yorkshire, we stayed there for two nights before coming back to school, and no single one of you noticed,
I thought I would get away with it, not until I heard the police found my broken heel that night, and are almost tracing it back to us, I do not want to go to jail,neither will I allow my baby go there either, so I decided to end it all, I gave Liam sniper poison to drink in his tea, and I drank it also, I do not have any regrets. Mom i’m really sorry for breaking your heart like this, but I did this for love and i don’t regret it, say hi to dad, when he
is less busy to hear it. To Liam’s parents, he loves me so much and he doesn’t regret it also, don’t cry too much, we are in bliss and are very happy here. Much love your children.
Charlotte and Liam.
The police came to verify and conduct further investigation, while Charlotte and Liam’s body taken to the morgue.
Even though Charlotte was a murderer, she was still our friend and we mourned her dearly.
Her mother came to the school to cause an unpleasant scene, I understand she is just griveing, but she doesn’t have the right to blame the school for her daughter’s misdeed.
Erica’s parents finally found peace after knowing their beloved daughter’s murderer.
The winter at 2021 in prince academy was a very sad and dark one, with so many deaths that happened, the school was affected and not just the school, the students and staffs also.


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