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The next days went by smoothly, Andrew and I became close friends, we talked alot, play fun games with the girls and eat together. He is slowly drifting from that annoying lonely ice cold person, to a nice calm charming boy.
Sophia confronted me one day, at the class rest room,
"Hey, maria, what's up between you and Andrew, his he your boyfriend or what"she said angrily with hate in her voice
"We are just friends" I said washing my hands
A few girls entered the room, standing at my back and my sides, I looked up at Sophia and asked,
"What do you mean by this, are you planning on beating me up or better still, pouring cold water on me liked you did the last time "I yelled out
"Ptff" "why don't we play a little game, shall we"she signaled the girls, they seized me and dragged me to the roof top.
"Let me go b!tch! "I screamed out as they dragged me away
On getting to the roof top, "Now maria, you are going to
write a suicide note,for me and you will jump down,"she said
Scared I said"why will I do that?"
"Because, I asked you to" "And if I don't? "
"Oh, you will, my girls here, will make you do that, whether you like it or not!"
"Girls? "Sophia beckoned on them
They gave me a pen and a note and forced me to write a suicide note telling me word for word, what to write.
"Very good maria"Sophia said collecting it, "now go put her at the edge"
They placed me at the edge and she continued,
"You know what maria, I do not hate you at first, even if you are prettier than me, I chose to let that slide, but I will never let you steal Andrew from me,"she yelled out
"Push her now! " "Wait! "
"Any last words? "She asked smiling
"Were you the one that poured cold water on me that day"
"Why asking, you are about to die anyway"
"I want to know before I die" "Yes"
"And the tomatoes allergic reaction? "
"Yes that was also me"
"How did you do it, how did you know I had an allergy, no one knows that"
"I hired our family private investigator back home to look into you, he found out all your information and hospital records"
"He told me about your allergy,
and that was all I need to get rid of you, I knew you had a quarrel with mia, so I put sleeping drugs in each their drink, but the only mistake I did is not putting in mia's own, I thought she won't help you as you two quarrelled"
"Ah, so pathetic! "She said
"Hmm, okay, thank you"
"Yes, you should be grateful I used a tomato allergy, I should have used poison that day, you won't have still been alive till now, oh so silly of me"
"Alright, its time! "
What if, the whole school, is watching everything happening here right now, how will you feel? "I asked
"That is impossible! "She said scanning everywhere
The girls also were looking everywhere, unable to see a camera, neatly hidden inside stacks of broken chairs.
"You are just bluffing, there's no camera anywhere"a girl said
"Are you sure? "I asked laughing "What do you mean? "Sophia asked getting worried
"Thank you very much, Sophia, the police will be here shortly, do not fret, it won't take long"I said
The girls began searching everywhere frantically for the camera, Sophia now panicking said"where did you keep it"
"There's absolutely no need,
searching for it, the whole school have already watched and heard everything that just happened "
The other girls scared, ran out of the roof top, leaving just me and Sophia.
Crying now she said, "i'm so sorry maria, it's all a lie".
"That is left for you to say in jail"
Angrily she tried pushing me off the roof, but I managed to get off her tight grip on me,
"I will not go to jail, my family will get me out immediately, but I will kill you today! "She screamed out rushing towards me
We fought so hard, with Sophia trying her best to get me on the edge, we dragged each other hair fiercely, cursed and tore our uniforms.
Few minutes later, the school management and the police came to join us at the roof top
"Hey! That's enough!now! "The officers yelled at us
They separated us, this time our uniforms are really tore, skin red from the finger clawing, scattered hair and breathing heavily.
"Young lady, you are under arrest"the officers told her, hand cuffing her,
Still screaming violently, "let me go, get your filthy hands off me"
The principal looking very displeased, adjusted his glasses, "please officers, I would love this to be done quietly "he said
"What! Keep it quiet? " she just tried to kill me, you all saw it!" I screamed out
"To my office now! "He yelled at me angrily
"Mr Phillip, she is badly hurt, I will like to take her to the infirmary "miss Chloe said holding me softly
"No! Miss Sophia is just been dragged to the station, without treatment, what makes her special, to my office now or consider yourself expelled! "
He left, with some teachers and staffs following him, miss Chloe said "can you walk?"
I nodded, I managed to control the anger inside of me. Miss Allot led me to the principals office covering me with her coat.
All the prince academy student came out to watch the drama.
At the principal office...........
"You brat! Disgracing the school all for what,? To make a point? Okay you have, I do not want to see you in this premises ever in your worthless life, you hear me! "Mr Phillip cursed angrily
"Calm down, Mr Philip, it was a hectic situation, she has no choice, no one would have believed her"a male
teacher said
"Do you think I care! The school's management and reputation is at stake, if words gets out, the school might be revised by the ministry of Education!


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