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“It won’t kill you to be loyal if he’s worth it, will it? “
“It won’t “
“So, what is your resolve now? “I asked
“Hmm, you know what, you are right, they are all d!ck heads, no use, my boyfriend, is far better than them a million times, he’s worth it, and I want to be just for my man, no one else’s”
Smiling I said” are you sure?, its hard been used to cheating and not do it anymore”
Taking a deep breath she said “yes i’m sure”
“It takes determination and discipline, how are you going to fight the intention to cheat next time? “
“I know what to do” she said
“That my girl” I said with a big smile
“Thank you very much, I really needed this heartfelt conversation “she said giving me a warm hug
“Thank you too, for listening, meg and I, are sorry for the judgmental talk that day”
“It’s okay, I've forgiven you two a long time ago”
“Awwn, thank you, you’re the best”
“Anytime “mia said
“Do you have a boyfriend? “ she asked
“No, its just me” I said laughing “It’s good sometimes, when you are ready, don’t rush, if you rush, you will end up with the wrong guy” she said
“yes, you are right “
“Anyway, why do i feel someone is targeting you, with all this incidents? “She said
“Hmm, I feel so too”
“Who do you think? “
“Hmm, I don’t have any enemy, right? I never talk to anyone apart from a few in class “
“Okay, that means it must be from our class? “
“Um, I don’t know, I know some don’t like me, but I don’t think they will go as far as doing this petty bullying”
“You should go report to the principal, you know”
“Hmm, no, I don’t know yet, I don’t want to do that”
“Okay, if that’s what you want, no problem “
We talked about other things, a nurse came to check up on me, before I fell asleep. Mia slept on the not too small hospital bed, besides me in the room.
The next day, I was discharged, we got to school in the evening.
Back in the room...........
“Hey maria, how are you feeling now” meg asked
“Never been better” we all laughed
“Where’s Charlotte “
“I don’t know, haven’t seen her today”
“Have you eaten” “Yes”
“Alright maria, go take a bath” mia said
I went to take a warm bath, I came out and met mia and meg talking happily, I smiled and took a deep breath, its really good to make peace if you can step out of your pride and resentment.
Next day in class...........
“Welcome back maria, you are always sick, or one thing happening to you, do you really need the
attention?, you are so pathetic “Sophia said loudly for the whole class to hear
“Why don’t you tell everyone how you poison me and poured ice cold water on me” I said watching her reaction
“What! Why will I do that, you are trying to blame someone for your misfortune “she said scoffing
She didn’t say another word again. I sat down and looked out the window, the trees are withering now, it feels dry and lonely, but I loved the feelings it vibes out.
After class, meg and I took a walk down to the quiet school garden.
“ Hey meg, come I want to show you something, a girl called, probably her friend from another class”
“Okay, i’m coming, “turning to me “are you okay alone”
Laughing I said” of course, i’m fine, i’m not a child”
She smiled and ran off to her friend, I walked alone deeper into the garden, enjoying the cold fresh air, I felt peace.

I walked a little further and I saw Andrew sitting on the dry grass, looking up the sky.
Surprised I asked” do you always sit here”
He turned startled at the voice and said” no one usually comes here, just me, what are you doing here”
“Taking a walk, you? “
Taking a deep breath he said”I feel happy when I sit here”
“Hmm, it nice” I said taking a sit besides him.
He looked at me and smiled, “why are you always sick? "He asked, the first
time, I saw him smile, he is so beautiful.
“I’m not, someone is making me sick”
“Who? “
“I don’t know, but I know someone is deliberately making me sick” “Why don’t you talk to people? “I asked
“You don’t either” he said searching
me with his eyes
“At least, I’m better than you in that aspect” I said smiling
“I don’t like people, they won’t understand anyway”
“You don’t know that yet” I said He didn’t say a word, I looked
away, I supposed he will not say anything else.
Surprisingly he said “I grew up lonely, and I’m used to not voicing my feelings out”
“Oh, what about your parents “
“My dad, is always busy, my mom is never at home, or have time for me, I grew up alone, just my nanny taking care of me, that’s all”
“I’m so sorry, it must have been very hard for you”
“My mom, died 2 years ago, from lung cancer, I had just my dad, I understand the feelings, sometimes, you know, you feels so depressed, weak and lonely “
“You didn’t get much love, did you? “I asked
He laughed, so hard, I was surprised at what was funny in what I said
“Love?, what is love? “He said
“Love is just a statement, it doesn’t exists” he added scornfully
“It does, you just haven’t experience it yet, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exists “I
He took a deep breath, “What is love? “He asked
I looked him in the eye and said” it is not just a feeling, it is a strong affection you have for someone, even if they hurt you, you still want them and never letting go, it grows everyday, it doesn’t happen one day. It is also a desire to not hurt the person you love, because it will hurt you too”
“What about crushes, are those
love? “
“No, it just infatuation “I said laughing
“Hmm, is true love real? “He asked again “I read about them, are they real? “
“Yes, but, true love works in mysterious ways, sometimes, your true love may be a person, you never liked, or even spare a glance at, there is a soul mate for every person, you
just have to know yours” “How can I find mine? “
“You don’t, it will always finds you, your soulmate, is at one point in time, around you, but you did not reach out”
“They are there, but you can’t see them, because they are not your ideal person, or sometimes, you just didn’t know they are the one, but at least once in your life, your soulmate and you have been in the same place” I said
“Wow, it’s pretty deep, but its amazing “he said
“Yes, it is, it’s the most beautiful feeling ever, if you find yours”
We talked alot about him, myself, and other random stuffs.
Night came, we got up, to go back to the dormitory, wallked together still talking, soft cold flakes dropped from the sky.
The first snow. It is so beautiful, I looked up, “wow, the first snow” I said, he looked up also, he smiled and looked at me, “what do they say about the first snow? “ he asked

I thinked for a while and smiled, “The first snow with a friend, is
your true love” I laughed, “I don’t believe that” I said
He laughed also, walking away, I watched him walk, he stopped, looked back and said,
“If you are feeling someone is targeting you, always remember this, bad people,will never disappoint you” he said this and walked away smiling like a baby.
I stood there,in the falling snow, thinking about what he just said.
“Ah, I understand now”.


Maria NoseworthyWhere stories live. Discover now