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I went back to my room to wash my jumpers, took a bath and lay down to rest, I cried my eyes out, thinking about what everyone will say and look at me on Monday. Tomorrow is Saturday and there’s no class.
The girls tried cheering me up, we discussed, played, say funny jokes and check what happening online.
“I can’t believe sophia just posted this on the general class page, she’s the devil’s incarnate “mia said with a frown
“What’s that” I asked
“Here” mia showed me
It was a post she made which reads,
“Someone on class C, was smelling like rotten fish today, she’s so disgusting “
And of course, the post had several likes and laughing emojis, with several comments also asking who was that and what happened.
“No need filling your mind with negative post, it will only make you more depressed, people must talk it their nature” Charlotte said encouragingly
“Meg, did you not percieve the smell? “Mia asked
“I did, I thought it was from outside”
“If I knew, I would have told her beforehand”
“It okay, its not anybody’s fault” I said sadly
“Yeah, it that wicked Sophia’s
fault” Charlotte said jokingly

“Hmm, she should have told me quietly”
“It okay dear, after some time they will forget and something else will trend, nobody is going to remember that much, time heals every story” meg said reassuringly
“Thanks girls, I feel light now”
The weekend went normal, I didn’t come out at all, mia brought me breakfast, lunch,and dinner. Thinking about mia, she isn’t that bad, although I didn’t like her at first, cause of the way she talks, but she is a really good friend. She’s very nice and doesn’t mind sharing her stuffs. No wonder it always said that, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, judge with the inner person not outward. Don’t always look at the faults of others but their good qualities, that is what makes us humans not how beautiful
or talented we are. Preferably we shouldn’t judge at all, because we ourselves aren’t perfect, and we will never be perfect, we all make mistakes and have several flaws.
I smiled thinking about it. I broke
from my thoughts, when Charlotte said excitedly
“Darlings, there a party later at 6 pm, at the park close to the school, everyone is invited “
“Yay, it time to PARTYY” mia said excitedly
“I’ve brought the best party dress from home just in case” meg said winking at mia
I giggled, “alright it almost 4,time to dress up” Charlotte said
The girls began selecting dresses to wear. I sat looking out the window from the window's cushion
“What are you sitting there for, aren’t you going to dress up we’ll be late”
meg asked surprised “I’m not going”
“What?!, why?!, is it about the gym episode, look, nobody’s going to mention it again, relax maria”
“Its not the boys business, and we girls always see our period, it not like it a new thing, or a disease” mia said
“Yes, you are right mia, look maria darling, don’t tell me you are going to go into depression because of a period, besides you are still going to see it next month” Charlotte said with a frown
“Be strong and face it, it just your blood that stained you, you didn’t kill anybody “
Taking a deep breath, I said” you know what, you all right, I should face my fears, the more I face it, the less it becomes relevant “
“I’m gonna shut down that party like no man’s business”
“Yay, that what i’m talking about “ “Maria, maria, maria” mia cheered happily
We all laughed and dressed up for the party, Charlotte wore a blue gloved jump suit with heels, mia wore a pink bikini bra and dark green shorts with the same dark green bucket hat, meg wore a short straps gown and I wore a black short skirt with little slits on both sides, black fishnet pantyhose and a black straped top , it
compliments my golden long
blonde with sneakers .

The party was at an abandoned park close to the school, everybody in the school is here!
“Wow, prince academy has crowd of spoilt students, they are so many” I said with wide eyes
Different boys and girls, drinking,
smoking, doing drugs, dancing, partying, talking, playing and swimming in the lake at the far end of the park.
“Hey beautiful, wanna come with me” a cute boy asked mia
“I sure do handsome “mia said
“Alright, see you sugarpies later” she waved goodbye,leaving off with the boy
“Does mia have a boyfriend? “I asked
“Mia flirts with everybody, she claims she has, I doubt if she does” Charlotte said finding someone
“Are you looking for somebody? “ “Ah, yes” okay, have seen him” “Your boyfriend? “Meg asked eyeing Charlotte
“We aren’t there yet, but very soon “she said walking away
“Hmm, that leaves both of us now”
Chuckling meg said holding my hands ”come on, let go have some FUN. "
“Is this drink spiked? “I asked the boy incharge of the minibar
“Do you want the spiked one?”he asked
“No, that’s why i’m asking if its spiked”
“No its not, but i’ll advice to try the spiked one for ultimate user enjoyment “he said with a smirk
Chuckling, meg said “nice try, David, not with us”
“You’re junior student? “He asked me
“Yes” I replied
“Hmm, haven’t seen this face before”
Sipping our cocktail, we observed and talked about everyone.
“Oh my God, look maria, there’s Andrew over there” meg tapped me excitedly
I looked back and saw Andrew, dressed in black short sleeved top, with the first three buttons unbuttoned, a navy blue baggy trouser, with his hair combed back as usual and some strands on his face,with that hazel eyes, he looks like a god,sitting amist some popular rich boys and girls playing truth or dare,But he is not participating, just observing.
“He’s so handsome “meg said smiling
“Who is this Andrew guy, why is he so popular? “I asked David the bartender
“Uh, his father is the president\chairman of Al Rafq oil company, their family has several oil fields, and his mother is a popular actress”
“But mostly why his popular, is because of his handsome face” David said laughing “Oh, so that’s why “I murmured inaudibly
“Why doesn’t he associate with people?


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