The sky's the limit!

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Thank you for 1k reads and 46 votes!! I absolutely love the support, it motivates me to write even more. I honestly didn't expect this story to be any good, but all of you really slapped me with the opposite! Working on a new book cover since I feel this one is kind of mid. Also as a thanks this chapter is pretty big, hope you got water and snacks. Anyways hope you enjoy this part. I've been waiting to post this for a bit, but got busy with some family birthdays


We were miserable that night.

We camped out in the wood, about a hundred yards from the main road, in marshy clearing that local kids obviously been using for parties. The ground was littered with flattened soda cans and fast-food wrappers.

We'd taken some food and blankets from Aunty Em's, which we stuffed in my back pack(Thank you Luke). Percy, Annabeth, and Grover's clothes were damp except for me, I was pretty. Even though they were damp they didn't dare light a fire. I agreed the Furies and Medusa had provided enough excitement for one day.

We decided to sleep in shifts. Percy volunteered to take first watch. I was glad he did I needed time alone to think on the events back in Medusa's diner. I sat down facing away from the trio 

After seeing that person taking the place of Percy, I knew something was wrong with me. When we fought Medusa I got vivid feelings of nostalgia, and then the blonde guy. Perseus? Percy's full name is Perseus. But when I called out to him I didn't mean him. Or did I? 

Thinking about it now, ever since I arrived to Camp Half-Blood. I've had these odd feelings that I've been there before. When I woke that day Mr. D seemed to think I already knew what I was, but it doesn't make sense. When I asked Chiron if we had met before he said no. 

There is definitely something wrong with me, I grabbed on to my necklace holding it tight. I had closed my eyes shut "Mothers I know you said you wouldn't talk to me anymore until the summer solstice, but all these thoughts are making my head hurt. Please I need to know who am I?" I prayed to my mothers hoping that they would respond, but of course nothing happened. Even though they didn't answer me I still had faith that they will answer sooner or later.

"Don't be so hard on her, Percy. She's had a tough life, but she's a good person. After all, she forgave me...." His voice faltered.

I hadn't realized they were talking or that Annabeth was sound asleep. There conversation intrigued I really wanted to know how she arrived to camp.

"Forgave you for what?" Percy asked

Grover looked uncomfortable and looked more interested in playing notes on his pipes.  

"Wait a minute," he said. "Your first keeper job was five years ago. Annabeth has been at camp five years. she wasn't ... I mean, your first assignment that went wrong-"

"I can't talk about it" Grover said, and his quivering lower lip suggested that if continued he would start crying. Seeing the pain in his face said it all, something terrible happened. I turned to the sleeping Annabeth, her face was now revealing a pained expression. 

She must be having a terrible Demigod dream, the type of dreams that either foreshadow your death or accomplishments. Or at least that's what Chiron says. Remembering the awful dream I had the day I woke at camp, no that was just a hallucination from the fever. 

"They were screeching at us: Where is it? Where?" Grover asked. I turned to face them

"Asking about me," Percy said

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