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Mon. 25th March...

Author's POV

As she parks her car in the lot, she looks in the rear view mirror, making sure she looked perfect before getting out.

She was slightly nervous because she was meeting with the coffee guy as she calls him.

She decided on a simple outfit since she does have to go work after. She wore a sleeveless dark blue crop top with a black blazer over it, a high waisted black pant with a black and short heel black pumps.
Her braided hair pulled back into a ponytail with a little make up.

She didn't want to overdo since this was their first official meet but she wanted to leave a good impression.

Grabbing her bag with everything she needs, she gets out of the car and makes her way to the building.

As she walks inside, she stands at the door, searching the crowd for the familiar face until she saw him waving in her direction.

She smiles and walks over to the table in the far right corner next to the large window.

Vernon stands up as she finally reaches and pulls out the chair for her, receiving a thank you.

She admires as he looked very handsome. He wore a black shirt covered with black and white flannel, black joggers and a pair of black and white vans.

As he takes his seat, he was quite speechless.

She looked even prettier than he remembers.

The entire weekend, he was anxiously praying for time to go faster so he could be here at this moment.

He smiles as he sees her fidgeting in her seat trying to get comfortable.

He figured she was nervous as she barely made any eye contact with him. He understood though since he was a little nervous himself.

"Your cute when your nervous." he teased and Nadia looks at him with a cute pout.

"I'm sorry. It's just been a while." she admits.

"That's okay." he assures her. "Think of it as friends having a chat."

She quirks an eyebrow at his words of choice. "Friends?"

"I'm not trying to be your friend but I want you to be comfortable." he boldly states and she laughs softly.

"And she laughs. I guess we're getting somewhere." he smiles.

"Are you always this bold and straightforward?"

He shrugs as he leans back into the chair. "I try to be but I think you bring out this side of me."

"I wonder why."

"A beautiful woman knows how to empower anyone around her."

She blushes as she lowers her head. "Alright, enough flirting. Can we order?" He chuckled and agreed.

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