Chapter Ten

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"You're still coming to dinner tomorrow?" Teddy asked once again as he put away a new book.

"Yes," I laughed, confirming for the hundredth time. After work tomorrow, I was going over to Teddys house for dinner. His brother was home for the weekend and Teddy wanted us to meet beyond the small exchanges we've had when he came into the shop.

"Good good." He moved behind the desk and grabbed the broom and dustpan. "My mom is really happy you agreed to come. You should have seen her face when I told her we've become friends. It was rather adorable."

"I love your mom."

Mel was fucking incredible. She had the biggest heart and was someone who genuinely cared about others. She had been so kind to me during the events of the last two years. She never once threatened to fire me when she should have. Rather she offered me support and made it known she was there for me. And also made an amazing mayor.

"She's pretty great." Teddy agreed with a smile. "What are you and Sash doing tonight?"

"We're getting our nails done then watching movies at my house." Luckily both Lilian and Alec were out of town so I offered for us to do our movies night at my house. The past couple weeks we had a movie night on Thursday nights. "You and River?"

Teddy moved the broom across the wooden floor boards and piled the dirt. "Football is on tonight. Our team is playing. August's making wings."

"Sounds fun."

Teddy nodded before sweeping his pile of dust and dirt into the pan. "I actually have a favour to ask."

I raised a brow at him, interested in what he had to ask. "Do you?"

He crossed behind me and let the dirt fall from the pan into the half full garbage bag. "On Tuesday I have a dentist appointment and we're doing that dissection in Bio, so I thought could be River's partner for that? I know it's a lot to ask, but he won't be there when Sacker is offering the makeup."

I looked at Teddy, my eyes searching for him before giving a small nod. Of course I knew I would regret it, or maybe River might be nicer to me and we could put our issues aside and finally agree to be civil for our friends. The thought almost made me laugh, I didn't even want that. Being in a civil relationship with him made my stomach turn.

Since the night of the party, he had primarily left me alone, only shooting rude comments with Teddy and/or Sasha weren't around. Ones I was happy to fire back a much ruder comment. It was almost the highlight of my day, watching his face twist as he realised he didn't have anything else to say.

"You're the best, Ly! I owe you."

"Yeah, you do." I teased him before finishing up the closing paperwork, and shutting off the MacBook in front of me.

"Are you still up for baking after dinner?" After dinner tomorrow, I had offered to help Teddy bake for his younger sisters. During the day on Saturday Teddy had planned Halloween activities which included Halloween treats.

Sasha had a yoga class with her step mom after dinner while River had football practice. So it would just be Teddy and I, which I didn't mind.
I had come to enjoy hanging out with Teddy and Sash over the past month or so, I felt as if I finally had friends. River had become less of an issue and I tried not to respond to him or his antics.

"I'll pick you up for dinner, you shouldn't drive home that late anyway."

I shook my head but he gave me a look that was him telling me he didn't care about my protests. Regardless, I knew he was going to pick me up. It's like they forgot I had a car and knew how to drive.

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