Wedding Date [ Sid x Reader ]

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"Oh hey Sid what's up?"

"Hey, so I have a favor to ask." He sounded hesitant even over the phone.

"Okayyyy? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah don't worry it's totally fine. You don't even have to say yes, I mean you can if you want, but don't feel any pres-"

"Sidney, Sidney, calm down. Take a deep breath." You heard him suck in a big breath of air, and let it out a moment later sounding more distressed than before. "Tell me what's up."

"Well, so my cousin's getting married and you know, Moira, the one who lives in New York."

"Yeah you've talked about her before. You guys are close right?"

"Yes, and I have to go to the wedding."

"Oh sounds fun, are you gonna get a tux?" You laughed at the idea of Sid in a tuxedo, something about it just didn't sound right, like when people make kittens and puppies wear Halloween costumes.

"Ew, no. What I called to ask was..."

"Come on, spit it out already."

"That's what she said." He coughed under his breath.

"If you don't start talking right now, I'm going to hang up."

"Okay, okay. Please don't hang up, because if you hang up then I have to call Corey and then people are going to think weird things about me."

"What the fuck is that suppoed to mean?"

"I need you to be my date," he blurted out.

"Why didn't you just say so in the first place? Of course I'll be your date." He let out a sigh of relief on the other end. "That would be funny though if you went with Corey. I know you just need a friend, but people would definitely make assumptions. You know on second thought, maybe he should come with us. Then people would really freak out. Do you get a plus two or only plus one?"

"Shut up. It's only a plus one."

"So if it wasn't you'd be down?"

"No that's not what I'm saying." He sounded kind of pissed off. Yikes, you thought. Maybe I hit a nerve.

"Okay, okay, chill. I'll stop. But seriously are you going to get a tux? If you are I should probably come with you. I know this isn't exactly your area of expertise."

"Pfft, it's not yours either."

"Well, whatever, it's more fun if we go together. Speaking of which, what should I wear? Is there a dress code or.."

"I don't give a shit what you wear. Wear a suit or a dress, whatever, just not white. I've heard that's bad."

"You heard right. That's a big no-no when it comes to weddings. It's basically a threat."

"Hmm, very interesting." You could practically hear Sid stroking a metaphorical beard. "Next time Corey gets married, you will help me pick out a white suit." You burst out laughing.

"I think that's only a bride thing."

"Oh. Well, whatever. I'm sure there's something I can wear to piss off Corey."

"I think that's a very long list." You took a sip from your water bottle.

"Perfect. What's your opinion of me in a neon green speedo?" You nearly shrieked, the thought of Sid in a neon green speedo was so funny you had to clap your hand over your mouth to keep water from spraying everywhere.

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