Chapter 8: It's All A Lie

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Zeke was the last person Michaela expected to see in her apartment. She hadn't spoken to him in months and had assumed he was out of town. She couldn't believe he was standing right there in front of her.

He was standing in the entrance of Michaela's apartment, holding a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. He smiles at her and says, "I wanted to surprise you!"

Jared takes a step back and looks at Michaela. He noticed that Michaela smiled and he quickly steps in front of her to protect her. He takes a menacing step towards Zeke and says "Who are you?"

"I'm Zeke, Michaela's boyfriend. Who are you?" Zeke said putting his hand out.

"Jared, ... Michaela's friend.." Jared then quickly shakes his head, trying to make sense of what Zeke had just said. He was confused and a bit surprised, as he had never heard Michaela mention a boyfriend before.

Michaela was surprised and touched by Zeke's gesture. She was speechless and could only smile in response. Zeke hugged her back and stepped away. He looked at her with a smile and said, "It's nice to see you again." Michaela smiled and "My shoulder is um.. dislocated so.. it's best if we don't hug again."

"Oh sorry. Take the chocolates," Zeke said, handing it to her. "I'll put the roses in a vase."

Michaela smiled and took the chocolates, pleased with the gesture. Zeke then went into the kitchen, looking for a vase to put the roses in. He found a vase and filled it with water before putting the roses in .

Michaela turns around to see Jared staring at her. She felt a bit uncomfortable with Jared's intense stare and she could see the jealousy in his eyes. She quickly looked away, not wanting to make things awkward between them.



Zeke puts the roses into the vase, and exits the kitchen. He sees Michaela staring at the wall, and Jared staring at her.

Zeke can sense the tension in the room and knows that something is going on between Michaela and Jared. He can see Jared's hurt and jealousy, and Michaela's discomfort, and he gets the feeling that something is about to happen.

"I think you should go?" Zeke said.

Zeke watched Jared leave, his expression unreadable. Jared didn't look back as he made his way down the stairs and out of the building. Michaela sighed and closed the door behind him.

"You okay?" Zeke asked looking at Michaela.

"Yeah," Mick said, "why were you gone so long? I mean it's been 3 months since I last saw you."

Zeke didn't answer right away. He just stared at the ground. He sighed and finally said, "I had to take care of some stuff. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

Michaela pulls Zeke chin up, so that he's looking at her. "It's okay. At least you're here.. that's all that matters. Also I have a lot tell you."

Zeke smiled and whispered, "I'm glad I'm here with you." Michaela smiled back and kissed him.

7pm (3 hours later)

Ben thought his family was boring at dinner time, so he decided to invite a couple of people. He believed that having a few extra guests would make the conversations more interesting and lively. He hoped that it would bring some new energy and excitement to the dinner table because well... i think you know why.

Ben calls Mick

Ben: Hey Mick, do you think you can come over for dinner? I'll come to pick you up because well-

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