Accidents Don't Just Happen Accidentally // Snarry

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Prompt: Accidents Don't Just Happen Accidentally
Pair: Harry/Severus
Timeline: Severus 5th Year- Time Travel

Accidents Don't Just Happen Accidentally

Snarry Time Travel

"Students- if I may have your attention!"

Severus Snape looked up from his seat at the Slytherin table to Headmaster Dumbledore. The old man's eyes were twinkling and he looked exceptionally pleased with himself.

"We do have one additional student to sort tonight- I would like you all to meet our newest transfer student, fifth year, Hadrian Peverell."

Severus clapped politely along with the rest of the students as the, holy god, singularly most gorgeous boy he'd ever seen stepped in to the Great Hall through the teachers entrance. He had lightly tanned skin, a perfect, if nervous, white smile, messy black hair and the brightest green eyes he'd ever seen. The boy, Hadrian, ran a hand nervously through his hair, reminding Severus sharply of a gesture James Potter frequently did when Lily Evans was nearby. Hadrian did it sheepishly though, as if he were nervous about the attention instead of relishing in it.

"Hadrian just transferred here from a private school in Liverpool," Dumbledore said. "I'm sure you all will help to make him feel comfortable." A few students clapped here and there. "Mister Peverell, please, have a seat and we'll get you sorted."

Severus thought Dumbledore's blue eyes were twinkling more than usual, as if he were a part of a grand secret nobody else knew. Hadrian gave the Headmaster a grin and sat on the stool to be sorted.

He should have looked ridiculous, he was much too tall and grown to be on the small stool used for first years. But he didn't, Hadrian looked elegant and confident.

It was mildly infuriating.

The Great Hall all watched with blatant curiosity as the first ever transfer student at Hogwarts was sorted. Finally the hat opened its mouth, chuckled(?!), and announced "SLYTHERIN!"

The Slytherin table clapped hesitantly for their new housemate. Severus exchanged wary glances with Evan and Regulus. This new addition to their house was an unknown, which made them all nervous.

Severus hoped he was a pureblood.

It was a bad time to be anything less in their house.

As he knew damn good and well.

"Hello," Hadrian said softly, sitting down directly across from Severus. "I'm Hadrian, please call me Harry."

"Regulus Black," Reg said, offering the new student his hand. Harry nodded and shook it with a small smile toying around his lips.

"Rosier, Evan Rosier," Evan offered his hand to be shook as well.

Severus offered Harry his hand, "I'm Severus Snape."

Harry looked directly in Severus' eyes and, oh, even with the glimmer of mischief in them they were gorgeous. A sparkling emerald green with the barest flecks of gold. Severus used to think Lily's eyes were the most interesting and prettiest eyes he'd ever seen, but he'd been terribly wrong.

Harry took his hand and instead of shaking it like he did Reg and Evan he brought it to his mouth, "Pleased to meet you," he murmured before kissing Severus' knuckles.

Severus' internal, just as snarky, monologue stuttered just as his external monologue did.

Evan and Regulus exchanged gleeful smiles though.

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