Let's talk sugar // Tomarry

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In which Harry Potter may or may not be a sugar baby (jk he totally is)


Harry's in denial about being Tom's sugar baby until something/someone finally gets him to admit it.

The first time Harry hears about Tom Riddle, newly elected Minister for Magic, is when one of his fellow recruits scoffs at the article announcing his ascension.

Apparently, Riddle and the man's uncle were rivals back at Hogwarts, where Riddle consistently took the top spot in each of his classes and even trounced the man in a duel once. As he listens, Harry thinks it all sounds less like a pair of rivals and more like one jealous boy trying and failing to reach the top of the pack, but he keeps that thought to himself.

And then their instructor arrives, and all thoughts of Riddle are pushed aside in favor of learning how to incapacitate someone while disarmed.

For three years, his life at the Ministry continues this way. He never crosses paths with Riddle, but wherever he goes, there always seems to be someone with something to say about him.

And then he gets The Assignment.

Surprising absolutely no one who pays attention, Riddle's time as Minister has attracted almost as much hate as it has adoration, and a new fringe group has taken shape to put that hatred into action. By the time Harry is added to Riddle's protection detail, there have been four direct attempts on his life and five generalized attacks that just so happened to coincide with his unplanned public appearances.

As much as Harry would prefer chasing down actual criminals, not just particularly enthused political dissenters, he doesn't fight the assignment. He may not agree with all of Riddle's policies, but he is, in fact, capable of being a professional. And anyway, he doesn't actually want the man to die.

Furthermore, he understands that placing him, the department's "rising star," onto this assignment is a largely political move, and the only way to escape the crushing grind of politics would be to leave the Aurors altogether, something he's not yet willing to consider.

Meeting Minister Riddle is not at all what he expects.

For one thing, the Daily Prophet lied to him. Riddle is much more handsome in person. And also taller, Harry notes as the man stands from his ornate chair when Harry is ushered into his office.

Riddle steps around his desk and approaches, and Harry has to remind himself to breathe as he tracks his gaze down the man's athletic frame—remarkably in shape for a man who sits at a desk all day—and back up again. When his gaze returns to the man's face, he's watching Harry with something like a smirk, an amused light in his eyes.

Harry would apologize for blatantly ogling the man, but he also doesn't want to admit what just happened out loud.

Merlin's beard, so much for being a professional.

"You must be Harry Potter," Riddle says as he offers a hand to shake, "I've heard so much about you."

"Nothing bad, I hope," Harry jokes weakly as Riddle's large hand wraps around his own, his grip firm as his warm, dry palm presses against Harry's in a moment of contact that feels both as if it stretches far too long and is over far too soon.

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