My soul // Tomarry

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Students rushed past Tom excited to be free from the End of Term exams. Tom did not rush as it was unbecoming of an Heir to an Ancient Noble House. His blue eyes searched the crowd for the one person he was looking for. It didn't take him long to find the one he was looking for.

Across the corridor was Harrison Peverell recently named Lord of the Peverell family. Harrison had black hair and Killing Curse green eyes. The angular features showed his pureblooded status. Like Tom, he wore green and silver robes and his Lordship Ring was on the index finger of his right hand. Benjamin Nott was next to him and they were discussing their NEWTs.


Students rushed past Tom excited to be free from the End of Term exams. Tom did not rush as it was unbecoming of an Heir to an Ancient Noble House. His blue eyes searched the crowd for the one person he was looking for. It didn't take him long to find the one he was looking for.

Across the corridor was Harrison Peverell recently named Lord of the Peverell family. Harrison had black hair and Killing Curse green eyes. The angular features showed his pureblooded status. Like Tom, he wore green and silver robes and his Lordship Ring was on the index finger of his right hand. Benjamin Nott was next to him and they were discussing their NEWTs.

Upon seeing Tom, Harrison nudged Benjamin lightly. The Nott Heir turned slowly around his hazel eyes searching the crowd. Within seconds they fell upon Tom and he grinned. Neither boy was wearing a pureblood mask suitable for their station. Instead, they were wearing matching grins that made Tom want to slap them upside. How these two ended up being his Second In Commands was something only Mother Magic herself could answer.

Withholding his sigh Tom approached and asked, "Harrison, Benjamin you both look well. I assume your exams went well?"

It was phrased as a question but they knew it wasn't. They had better done well on the exams or curses would be thrown. He had spent a lot of time bringing Harrison's grades up to Exceeding Expectations in all of his subjects. If the other did not take the exams seriously he would personally throw Harrison off the Astronomy Tower.

Benjamin answered first, "I think I will get at least Exceeding Expectations on everything but Divination. But I don't really care about Divination, so I'm not broken up over it."

Tom nodded and said, "Well done then. Do you still plan on joining the Ministry?"

"I do," confirmed Benjamin, "I have already met with a few Department Heads. I will make my choice once my official results come in and let you know."

Perfect. Now about Peverell. The other's attention was on his fingers as he picked at the nails. He must not strangle Harrison. He must not strangle Harrison. He must not strangle Harrison.

Harrison said unaware of the annoyance Tom was feeling, "I believe I will have Exceeding Expectations on my exams as well. As for my plans, I will be traveling."

That part was said with a meaningful look at Tom. It was something they had been arguing about for months. Tom wanted Harrison to stay with him and help with the Wizengamot as they both had a forgotten seat. Harrison on the other hand wanted to learn about his abilities and practice them. Tom knew he didn't have all of the information on Harrison's abilities but he still wanted the other to stay.

"We still need to have a conversation about that, Harrison," Tom replied darkly.

There was a flash of defiance in the green eyes as Harrison snapped back, "There is nothing to talk about Tom. I will be traveling after school ends."

Tom's jaw worked with his anger but he didn't say anything else. Harrison's name was called by a Gryffindor fifth year and with that, he disappeared into the crowd. That was fine with Tom. He needed time to figure out a way to convince Harrison to stay with him.

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