A Dark Encounter // Drarry

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Draco Malfoy sees someone that draws his attention during a battle. He wants this person, and is shocked by his idenity, once he corners the individual.

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


"Well, folks .... I have decided to give you a little one-off, for your enjoyment. This is a little story that wouldn't leave me alone, so I tapped it out quickly, just so you wouldn't forget me. I am still working on my new fic, which is a Harry/Severus/Lucius creature fic. I am hoping to have it up around Xmas. Until then, I might add a one-off or two. Thanks, Immortality22"


This story takes place during their sixth year in Hogwarts.

Draco Malfoy watched the masked man he'd been monitoring since they landed at this desolate place, move throughout the masses of muggles, as they screamed and ran in every direction, with extreme grace. Every time he leaped to avoid a physical blow or to cast a spell on the muggles, showed someone with martial arts training at the very least. He moved like water, with so much grace and power that Draco found it hard not to watch him instead of dealing with the muggles as he was supposed to. Who was this masked man? Really, he knew he was new amongst the Death Eaters, but this man looked to be set apart from the others by leaps and bounds. He was powerful and very sure of himself. He wished they weren't in the middle of a battle of sorts right now, he wanted to ask his Father about this guy.

Draco ducked and followed the guy as the other leaped forward into the battle fearlessly. Well, maybe he shouldn't call it a battle as they were fighting muggles and they really couldn't offer much of a defence against the Death Eater's use of magic. Most of them were already either dead or incapacitated and ready to be brought back to the Dark Lord's Manor ... for the celebrations. Not that the muggles would be celebrating anything ... but their deaths.

Draco heard the call to retreat, and just before he disapparated with the others back to the Dark Lord's Manor, he watched as the energetic man whirled around, robes snapping and leapt in the air, only to disapparate mid-flight. Draco's eyebrows shot up at the man's unusual way of disapparating. He wished he could do something that extraordinary with his exit. Disapparating was a way Wizards had to travel, if they didn't want to Floo or use a Portkey, and the man had been a true artist in the way he executed that disaparation. Draco REALLY wanted to know who this Death Eater was. For some reason Draco thought he was young, though nothing outward gave him that indication .... it was just his thoughts.

Draco landed with the others in the Reception Room in the Dark Lord's Manor and immediately looked for the powerful man he'd been following. He found him talking to their Lord as he sat on his throne in the front of the room, simply leaning against the throne itself. This man MUST be powerful and a favourite of the Dark Lord's to be so close to him and talking without cowering. Even his own Father rarely approached the man.

Draco moved close to his Father, who was talking to a few other Death Eaters. "Father? Who is that man talking to the Dark Lord?" He asked, looking past his Father to the man in question.

His Father smirked. "That is our Lord's Heir. He is also our Young Lord. He is very powerful and very aggressive in many areas."

"I saw that. But what's his name?" Draco asked.

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