Narabhakshi // Tomarry/Harrymort

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He frowns. Moving his feet around he again feels something.
"Would you stop that." Comes a lazy drawl from unfamiliar voice.
Harry. Did. Not. Squeal.


If you think this has strong Hannigram vibes you are correct.
Heavily influenced by Hannigram fanfics. Which by the way is the best thing eveeerrr

Harry drowsily opens his eyes and curses at the bright morning sunlight that falls directly on him. Thankfully his elves know him too well, so the brightness doesn't last long. After a few minutes of lazily trying to fall asleep again, he resigns and sits up. Quick tempus shows it's not even 8 am, old habits die hard he supposes.

"Ellie" he groans out softly.

A loud pop makes his head hurt but all he does is groan softly, he opens his palm and Ellie hands him a potion for hangover quickly without even him uttering a word or opening his eyes.

"Thank you, Ellie." He says downing the potion, internally amused by the little elf's whisper of welcome.

Hangover went he sighs; yesterday was wild. He didn't remember anything, lazily he tilts his head, looks at the stand, and sees another hangover potion. Humming he picks it up, must have been a mistake by Ellie. He lays down again eyes closed and stretches marvelling over his huge bed as always, except something was strange, like usual his feet didn't meet air but something hard. He frowns. Moving his feet around he again feels something.

"Would you stop that?" Comes a lazy drawl from an unfamiliar voice.

Harry. Did. Not. Squeal.

Except he did. Eyes wide he looks down to his naked chest and then to the stranger's naked chest and his mouth opens wide.

"Don't tell me you don't remember last night, Hadrian."

Harry squeaks in surprise.

"Um...." He looks at the stranger and by looks, he means really looks and nearly falls off his bed. "M-minister?"

The magic of minister of Britain frowns, "Now you call me that, last night you were perfectly fine screaming my name. No need for formalities Hadrian, Tom is fine." Tom says grinning at him.

Harry nods still out of it, his ears and cheeks were hot from embarrassment. "We...we slept together." He concludes with a breathy sigh.

Tom nods and smirks. "That's right."

"I had a one-night stand with...the minister of magic?"

"I would prefer if it wasn't a one-night stand. I had a marvellous time with you, darling." Tom says leaning up to tuck Harry's unruly hair behind his ear.

Harry shakes his head in disbelief. "I-I don't think so. I don't remember anything from yesterday aside from the fact that I had gone inside that bar. Minister, I am flattered but – I am not sure how this might work."

Tom frowns. It was his first time being rejected by someone. Nothing was lacking about him, he was handsome, he had money and he was the country's supreme power. Why would Harry reject him?

Harry stands from the bed. "Potion if you have a headache is on the side table. You can leave whenever, I- I need to shower."

Siting up, "Hadr—" Tom starts only to be stopped by Hadrian's pleading look.

"Please. I am very confused right now. I think it's for the best if we were to never come across each other." Harry says.

Tom sighs. "Very well. If that's what you wish, then you shall receive it." He says summoning his robes. "I will be using your floo. Last night was nice Hadrian, even though you do not remember it."

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