Harry's Hoard // Lucius, Severus, Salazar

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After his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Magic ensures Harry meets the age requirement. Which leads to a few other changes.

For Lilly: Since I couldn't write Slytherin Harry, have a few Slytherins in Harry.

In all honesty, it was Dumbledore's fault. He was the one that had approved the Triwizard Tournament. He was the one that insisted Harry participate; there was little Magic could do when the Headmaster insisted Harry was an adult. Magical binding contract notwithstanding, it was the Rule of Three: three leaders of the magical world had determined that only adults could enter the Triwizard Tournament therefore, by being allowed to compete, Harry was magically an adult. The Goblins were the first to know although, goblins being goblins and not friends of the wizards, they quietly kept to themselves. The Dursleys were next, though they didn't realize it. All they knew was something had happened to their house; a subtle shift in the air and a feeling of uneasiness among the adults- it was the breaking of the wards that had protected the Boy Who Lived. They, not being magical, did not recognize it for what it was. Next on the list of those to be informed was one Sirius Black, who happened to be hiding in some unknown forest and unable to contact his godson. There was a feeling that only godparents of magical children had when their wards became adults. A very confused, large, black dog woke from his nap unsure of what this feeling was since he knew his godson was only 14. It wouldn't be until several days later when a familiar owl landed next to him that he finally understood and began to make his way back to the magical village of Hogsmeade outside the castle of Hogwarts. Others would eventually discover the latest happenings in the Harry Potter Saga, but it would be too late. Not that they would have any say-so in it; the ministry, the Prophet, and even the professors of the school would merely have to roll with it and accept the inevitable twist in Harry's life. Perhaps it would have gone differently if it had not occurred on a Halloween night, but, typical to Harry, Halloween had ever been an ominous omen. Ron was mad, Harry was frustrated, and Magic gathered around the castle.

Harry woke to the familiar scent of the infirmary and wracked his brain trying to remember what had happened. Had one of the twins' pranks gone bad? It couldn't have been Quidditch, because the sport had been cancelled in favor of the Triwizard Tournament. The tournament! Had someone snuck into the dorm and hexed him? Had Ron- Harry cut the thought off not even wanting to contemplate it. His mouth was dry and his lips felt cracked. As he opened his mouth to moisten his lips even his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. He did his best to swallow and produce saliva but even that didn't help much. He heard the rustling of fabric and slow, heavy breathing and wondered who else was in the infirmary.

Harry carefully blinked his eyes open and winced slightly at the bright sunlight.

His eyes focused on the shape on the bed next to him and was able to make out Ron's wild red hair and a large furry rug draped across Ron's torso. What was Ron doing here? Last they'd spoken Ron hadn't wanted anything to do with Harry. The rug made a snuffling sound, and Harry realized it was Padfoot. Sirius was here? How long had he been out of it? Harry carefully turned his head, his neck slightly stiff. He wasn't surprised to see Hermione sitting beside his bed, her head bent over a book. But he was surprised to see Draco Malfoy standing near the foot of his bed, back straight, arms crossed as if guarding Harry from everyone else. So it was that Malfoy was the first to notice he had woken. His silver eyes going wide for a moment before he stepped forward.


Hermione jumped from her chair, the book falling to the floor, and pressed her hands against Malfoy's shoulders. "No!" she said sternly as she pushed him back.

Harry was quite confused. Why was Hermione pushing the pretty blond away? Why was Malfoy in the infirmary? And what the hell was going on?

"Madam Pomfrey," Hermione cried, and there was a flurry of activity on the other side of the curtains.

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