I'll Give You Everything (Nothing Is Too Much) // Tomarry, Severitus

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Severus kidnaps Harry when he's only three after learning of his placement with the Dursleys. With a Harry raised to know love, what differences will that make to the timeline—and how will Dumbledore handle a Harry who isn't quite so easy to mould into a weapon against the Dark Lord?

Also, Rabastan learns not to tickle Bellatrix.

He was Lily's friend before he was James' enemy, Severus reminded himself for the umpteenth time as he sat across the road from Number Four, Privet Drive, the bushes digging into his spine uncomfortably and the grass damp beneath him.

He hadn't wanted to cast any magic, unsure if it would react against the wards Dumbledore had erected around the house. The last thing he needed right now was to be discovered.

He'd been there for hours, waiting for the shrew he remembered from his childhood to leave the house, but to no avail. It was dark now, and he didn't think that she'd be leaving anytime before the following morning, but he was loath to wait another night.

Merlin only knew what she was doing to the boy.

He cursed Dumbledore yet again for thinking this was a good idea. Why hadn't he bothered to ask Severus, who'd known Petunia as a child, if he thought it was a suitable place for Harry to grow up? He could have told Dumbledore exactly how much of a bad idea this was!

Severus had only found out where the child had been placed because of Minerva's weakness for a good scotch that often loosened her tongue. She'd been ranting about the time she'd spent watching the family 'poor little Harry' had been placed with, and it had sparked Severus' interest. Now he was partially wishing that he'd never been told.

He really didn't like children—an ironic trait for a professor, he knew—but he couldn't just leave Lily's son to grow up with the harpy that had ruined many a day when they were young.  

He glared at the door again, and then sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. He should just go home and return in the morning, preferably to find a different hiding place than in the bushes.

Severus checked the windows close by carefully before he stood up; Muggle suburbia was prone to housing the noisiest of people, and the last thing he needed was a mob of muggles chasing him because they thought he was a peeping tom.

Finding no obvious lights, or curtains twitching, Severus stood and dusted himself off. Hopefully, he'd have more luck in the morning, and Petunia would deign to leave the house for a while.

He walked away from the cul-de-sac and out onto the main road, until he found an alley he could slip down to Apparate away, back to Spinner's End.

The two areas couldn't be more different, he mused to himself, feeling his wards tingle over him as he walked inside them and into his house, the door pushing open without a key at the touch of his hand.

The inside of the house was vastly different from what it had been when he'd been growing up. In a fit of pique, he'd gutted the place after Lily's death, his rage at the situation flowing out of him as he shattered glass and broke wood until the whole house had been destroyed.

After cleaning up the destruction, he'd set about making himself a home. It wasn't full of gold and elegance like Malfoy Manor, or ornate statues like Lestrange Castle, but it was his and he liked it.

Gone were the miserable drapes he'd hidden behind when his father was in a temper, and gone were the lumpy mattresses that he'd had to shift around to find that singular position he could lie in without something sharp digging into his hip or his shoulder.

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