In Time, Once Again // Snarry

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After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry uses a Time Turner in an attempt to rewrite history. However, something goes wrong, and he's thrown back fourteen years into the past.


Originally written for Snarry-a-Thon 2012

Rating: NC-17
Word count: 29,800

Content/Warning(s): (Chan, Harry is 16-18) *Time Travel AU, Romance/Drama, underage (Harry is 16-18), teacher/student relationship, first time.*

Disclaimer: The characters and their world belong to J.K. Rowling.

Prompt: #39: "Time-travel/AU - Disgusted with Dumbledore's manipulations, Harry time-travels to the past and tells Severus EVERYTHING. Clever Severus changes history." I also took inspiration from #18: "Harry uses a time turner to try to save Snape after Nagini's attack, but goes too far back and winds up at Hogwarts just in time for Severus Snape's first year as a professor."

A/N: The primary storyline (Past Timeline) takes place in the months following the Battle of Hogwarts; Harry is 17-18 years old. The parallel storyline (New Timeline) takes place during Harry's sixth and would-be seventh-year; Harry is 16-17 years old. All sex is consensual.

In Time, Once Again

New Timeline. 22 September 1996, Sixth-Year

"Again, Mr. Potter." He stands over him, wand drawn, as the boy pushes himself up onto his knees.

Potter's glasses are askew, and Severus can see a faint sheen of sweat on his forehead. His fringe is plastered against his skin, covering the scar.

"Just give me a moment," the boy snaps, but he's breathless, and Severus knows he's tired.

"I assure you," Severus says slowly, "the Dark Lord will afford you no such respite." Still, he does not cast the spell again.

Potter takes a deep breath, climbing unsteadily to his feet. He's shaky and flushed; they've been at this for hours. They have no choice; they are running out of time.

The boy takes another breath, looks at him, and nods. "Okay."

Severus raises his wand. In the flickering light of the dungeon, Potter's green eyes look nearly black. They are so intense, so dark, Severus thinks he could get lost in them. And, if he were honest with himself, he would have to admit that it's been ages since they reminded him of Lily.

Later, Severus will think that this, perhaps, is the moment when everything began to fall apart.


* * * * *

1 May 1998, The Battle of Hogwarts

When Harry Potter dove into Dumbledore's Pensieve, he did not know what to expect. He only knew that immersing himself in someone else's thoughts (even Snape's) would be a relief, a temporary escape from the chaos of battle, the overwhelming grief of loss.

Still, Harry did not expect to find a Snape who had loved his mother, who had remained loyal all along, and who committed murder only once Dumbledore had forced his hand.

He did not expect to find that he would have to die.

And Harry Potter did not expect to find a Snape who had also loved him.

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