Thanks for Harry // Tomarry/Harrymort

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Tom Riddle is in love with Harry Potter.

One night, Tom gets drunk and sends a fancy thank-you card to Harry's parents, thanking them for bringing their son into the world.

The problem? He and Harry aren't actually together.

...Yet. They aren't together yet.

Tom was at his writing desk with a quill and inkwell laid out, as he set down the expensive stationery that he had borrowed (stolen) from Draco Malfoy's school trunk. Malfoy didn't know how to use these, anyway. Tom would have bet good money that Malfoy had never once thought to thank anyone in his life for anything.

Despite the distance from his dorm to the Slytherin Common Room, Tom could hear the raucous partying of his fellow housemates going on in the background. No doubt most of them were horrifically drunk and would regret their poor choices in the morning.

Tom was not drunk, of course. He was perfectly, completely, one-hundred percent sober. Absolutely sober and in full control of his mental processes.

With gravitas, Tom uncapped his swan feather quill, dipped it into the golden, ever-lasting ink that he had also borrowed (stolen) from Malfoy, and scribbled out a greeting in his elegant handwriting:

Dear Mrs. Evans-Potter...

On the other side of the castle, in the dormitory that belonged to Gryffindor's seventh-year boys, Harry Potter looked out the window at the moon and had the sudden feeling that something was about to go very, very wrong.


Lily Evans-Potter awoke to an eagle owl staring through her bedroom window. It was not an owl she recognized, but it had nevertheless passed through the wards that she and James had set up around Potter Cottage, which meant it was safe. A glance to her left revealed that her husband was still asleep. It was a Sunday, so she would forgive his laziness on this occasion.

Lily rose from the bed and summoned her night robe, pulling it on and tying the waist shut. She grabbed her wand from the side table, then opened the window to let the owl in. It hopped delicately onto her vanity table and stuck out its leg.

With careful hands, Lily unwound the bright green ribbon that was attached to a thick silver envelope. "I don't have any treats up here," she told the owl, "but if you're willing to wait a moment, I can go downstairs for you."

The owl chirped politely, then flew off.

Lily shut and locked the window. The letter in her hand was addressed to her. She sat down at her vanity and used her wand to remove the plain wax seal on the envelope.

Inside was a beautiful ivory card with silver embossing and floral accents. Written in a flowing script on the front were the words 'Thank You' in medium-sized letters.

 Written in a flowing script on the front were the words 'Thank You' in medium-sized letters

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